
SwellRT, a real-time federated collaboration framework

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SwellRT is a real-time storage platform. This project includes the server runtime and the JavaScript client for Web applications.

SwellRT enables real-time collaboration in your Web applications: multiple users can share and edit JavaScript objects in real-time with transparent conflict resolution (eventual consistency). Changes are distributed in real-time to any user or App instance using a shared object.

Objects are stored in the server and can be query using the API.

SwellRT provides also out-of-the-box collaborative rich-text editing for Web applications (as Google Docs® or Etherpad) through an extensible text editor Web component and API.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you the latest version of the server up and running in your machine.


Install and run

  1. Download latest binary release (tar or zip) from GitHub.

  2. Extract server binary files with tar zxvf swellrt-bin-X.Y.Z.tar.gz .

  3. Run the server swellrt/run-server.sh (Linux) or swellrt/run-server.bat (Windows).

  4. Check out demo app at http://localhost:9898/demo.


A docker image of the latest release of SwellRT is provided at Docker Hub:

$ docker pull p2pvalue/swellrt

This image doesn't include a MongoDB server. To pass connection data for a MongoDB instance to the container pass following environment variables to the container:

$ docker run -e MONGODB_HOST=<host> -e MONGODB_PORT=<port> -e MONGODB_DB=<db name> -p 9898:9898 -h swellrt -d p2pvalue/swellrt

Some SwellRT's configuration and data files must be stored out of the Docker container to avoid losing data when the image is updated. Map these folders in your host machine use following parameters:

$ docker run -v <host machine folder>:<docker image folder>  -p 9898:9898 -h swellrt -d p2pvalue/swellrt

List of docker's image folders that should be placed outside the container (in your host machine):

  • /usr/local/swellrt/config Folder storing all config files. See documentation for details.
  • /usr/local/swellrt/log Folder storing server log.
  • /usr/local/swellrt/sessions Folder storing Web sessions.
  • /usr/local/swellrt/avatars Folder storing user's avatar.
  • /usr/local/swellrt/attachments Folder storing attachment files (when MongoDB is not used as attachment storage).

Server configuration

Default configuration is provided in the file reference.conf. To overwrite a property, do create a new file named application.config in the config folder and put there the property with the new value.


For SwellRT development guide and API reference, please visit our Wiki.

Contact and Support

Visit our Gitter Channel.


Getting the source

Clone the SwellRT source code from the GitHub repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/P2Pvalue/swellrt

Setup Dev

SwellRT can be setup for eclipse and intellij IDE's.

Running ./gradlew eclipse or ./gradlew idea will generate all project files needed. In a situation where dependencies have changed or project structure has changed run ./gradlew cleanEclipse or ./gradlew cleanIdea depending on your IDE.

Gradle Tasks

Java 8 and Gradle 2.8+ are required to build the project.

Gradle tasks can be run by:

$ ./gradlew [task name]

Test Tasks:

  • test: runs the standard unit tests.
  • testMongo: runs the mongodb tests.
  • testLarge: runs the more lengthy test cases.
  • testAll: runs all the above tests.

Compile Tasks:

  • generateMessages: Generates the message source files from the .st sources.
  • generateGXP: Compiles sources from the gxp files.
  • compileJava: Compiles all java sources.
  • compileJsWebDev: Compiles all the Gwt sources for development (Javascript Web client).
  • compileJsWeb: Compiles all the Gwt sources (Javascript Web client).

Run Tasks:

  • run: runs the server with the default parameters.
  • gwtDev: runs the gwt development mode to debug Javascript Web client.

Distribution Tasks:

  • jar: builds jar file for the project.
  • sourcesJar: builds a source jar file for each project.
  • createDist: builds the zip and tar file for bin and source.
  • createDistBin: builds the zip for distribution.
  • createDistBinZip: builds the zip for distribution.
  • createDistBinTar: builds the tar for distribution.
  • createDistSource: builds the zip and tar file for distributing the source.
  • createDistSourceZip: builds the zip for distributing the source.
  • createDistSourceTar: builds the tar for distributing the source.


To build the client and server:

$ ./gradlew jar

It will be created in wave/build/libs/wave-*version*.jar.

The sources can also be packaged into a jar by doing:

$ ./gradlew sourcesJar

This will create a project name-sources.jar in each projects build/libs directory.


  • if pst-version.jar is unable to be found run ./gradlew pst:jar then retry.
  • if a jar is unable to be unzipped with wave:extractApi then delete the jar from your cache and try again. You may need to restart.

Take a look at the reference.conf to learn about configuration and possible/default values.

The server can be started (on Linux/MacOS) by running ./run-server.sh or on Windows by running run-server.bat. Note: must be cd'ed into the root directory.

Or, you can run the server from the compiled classes with Gradle: gradle run.

The web client will be accessible by default at http://localhost:9898/.


The SwellRT project is based on Apache Wave. Initial work of SwellRT has been funded by the EU research project P2Pvalue and supported by GRASIA research group of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.

Cryptographic Software Notice

This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See http://www.wassenaar.org/ for more information.

The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code.

The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software:

Wave requires the BouncyCastle Java cryptography APIs: http://www.bouncycastle.org/java.html