
Inclusion@RSS Fellowship

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Inclusion@RSS 2021 Fellow | Robotics Science & Systems

I received Inclusion@RSS Fellowship [ 44 Fellows list ] | RSS in YouTube


Robotic Mars Exploration: Recent Results and Future Prospects by Larry Matthies [NASA-JPL] [ Read , Keynote ]

Workshops & Tutorials @ RSS 2021

I am interested and taking notes of the following workshops at RSS 2021:

Papers @ RSS 2021

I am interested and taking notes of the following 15 papers at RSS 2021:

  • Manipulator-Independent Representations for Visual Imitation [paper, website] by DeepMind.
  • Optimal Pose and Shape Estimation for Category-level 3D Object Perception [paper, video] by MIT.
  • Policy Transfer across Visual and Dynamics Domain Gaps via Iterative Grounding [paper, video] by USC
  • An Empowerment-based Solution to Robotic Manipulation Tasks with Sparse Rewards [paper, video] by MIT
  • NeuroBEM: Hybrid Aerodynamic Quadrotor Model [paper, video, code] by University of Zurich.
  • Learning Generalizable Robotic Reward Functions from “In-The-Wild” Human Videos [paper, video] by Stanford University.
  • Untangling Dense Non-Planar Knots by Learning Manipulation Features and Recovery Policies [paper,video] by UC Berkeley.
  • TARE: A Hierarchical Framework for Efficiently Exploring Complex 3D Environments [paper, video, website, code] by CMU.
  • STEP: Stochastic Traversability Evaluation and Planning for Risk-Aware Off-road Navigation [paper, video] by GTech, NASA-JPL, Caltech as used in Boston Dynamic Spot in this video.
  • Language Conditioned Imitation Learning Over Unstructured Data [paper, video] by Google.
  • HJB-RL: Initializing Reinforcement Learning with Optimal Control Policies Applied to Autonomous Drone Racing [paper, video] by Stanford University.
  • Learning Riemannian Manifolds for Geodesic Motion Skills [paper, video] by Bosch.
  • Safe Occlusion-Aware Autonomous Driving via Game-Theoretic Active Perception [paper, video] by Princeton University.
  • Moving sidewinding forward: optimizing contact patterns for limbless robots via geometric mechanics [paper, video] by GTech, CMU.
  • Active Learning of Abstract Plan Feasibility [paper, video] by MIT.

My Mentors: Kaushik Jayaram, Aaron M. Johnson, Jeannette Bohg, C. J. Taylor, Nick Roy.

RSS 2020 Learning: