
repository stores my enviroment configs, dot files, scripts, utilities, automations

Primary LanguageVim ScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

My Enviroment

This repository stores my enviroment configs, dot files, scripts, utilities, automations

Arch installing guide also provided

GUIDE.md provides small fast flexible guide to install arch linux


.zhrc - ZSH (with oh-my-zsh) config

.xinitrc - ordinary startx config with start i3 on

.vimrc - basic powerfull vim config

.config/i3 - i3 twm config (max simple)

.config/i3status - informative i3 status bar

.config/alacritty - awesome look terminal emulator

dev_env/ - developing enviroment fast start up (docker-compose) (Makefile)

resources/ - lists of packages to install