
View friends BeReals without posting or them knowing. Post custom BeReal's whenever. Add custom realmojis

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TooFake: a bereal viewer & web client

want to stalk your friends, family, or ex without posting your own bereal?
toofake gives the ability to view & download bereals, and post custom bereals & realmojis without ever having to click on that annoying notification

current status: IFFY - help wanted!

BeReal will only continue to change and get more advanced, breaking projects like toofake & befake. The open source community has kept this project going for very long & hopefully can for much longer! Any Pull Requests or changes are always happily welcomed!

how to run locally


  • clone the project git clone https://github.com/s-alad/toofake.git
  • cd into the /client directory cd client
  • run npm install
  • run npm run dev



  • fix webp, .heic and .heif image issues !!!
  • delete comment ability
  • add instant realmoji
  • react-all realmoji
  • not all friends show for big friends list
  • feed not fetching for big friends list
  • fix occasional login 500 errors
  • change state & login management
  • cache things and use less requests
  • move things to proxy?
  • fix overused state and spaghetti code


toofake owes a lot to the open source community & great peer projects that have been cease & desisted:

shoutout to rvaidun's befake for many parts of the reverse engineering!

shoutout to the community at BeFake for exposing many of the api endpoints!

heavily inspired by shomil