- Hacktoberfest is an annual worldwide event held during the month of October. The event encourages open source developers to contribute to repositories through pull requests (PR).
Register yourself on official website of Hacktoberfest.
In October, make 4 contributions to open source projects on GitHub.
Choose beginner-friendly issues.
Follow project guidelines and submit pull requests (PRs) with clear descriptions.
First Starβ this Repository.
Second Fork this Repository using the button at the top on the right corner
Clone this repository using this command ("Using command :- git clone ")
git clone https://github.com/HardikPanwar/Hacktoberfest_Starter_2k23.git
- Create a new branch of your name to make changes and modification.
git checkout -b <YOUR-NAME>
- Add your Images in assets/Images folder
- Create a Readme.md file of your name (Example .md) at Path .
- The content you have to add on your file is :-
Name: Your Name
Email:- Your Email
University/College Name:- Institution name
Github Username :- Your Username
Skills:- Your Skills (optional)
About yourself (Short Introduction of yourself)
- Then add your files using
git add .
- Commit
git commit -m "Added My Details"
- Push
git push origin <YOUR-NAME>
- Create a New Pull Request (PR) from your Forked Repository
For more information take reference of this article.
β‘ An easy way to avoid conflicts is to add an 'upstream' for your git repo, as other PR's may be merged while you're working on your branch/fork.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/s-bhalode/Hacktoberfest_starter_2k23.git
β‘ You can verify that the new remote has been added by typing
git remote -v
β‘ To pull any new changes from your parent repo simply run
git merge upstream/master