Simple and easy to understand PyTorch implementation of Vision Transformer (ViT) from scratch with detailed steps. Tested on small datasets: MNIST, FashionMNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100.
- 1025921134
- 1ucayuUniversity of Hong Kong
- AnswerznNanjing University
- ArtisticCoding
- b06b01073National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- cpuopt
- dkopi
- EsperoComoAlas
- Even418
- Gio99cContxtual
- gwencn
- Haitao-Nie
- Hamidreza-RamezaniUniversity of British Columbia
- henry-grafeLeuven, Belgium
- JacyhustHKUST
- JasPanesarEdmonton, Canada
- JoshuaChou2018
- jsaurav81
- KasuganoLoveChina
- kirtyvedulaWorcester Polytechnic Institute
- KKKirstySun Yat-Sen University
- liji111
- luciddream-tsin
- merkoxwj
- ningwanyiBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- patrick-oliveiraSanto André, Brazil
- Pixeptron-VisionCornell Tech
- poojithumeshrao
- rabihchamas
- SigmoidTensor
- thakurnupur
- The-Powder-of-Data
- tuningManBin
- Vermillion-deUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- yyuliuliu
- ZouJiu1YiWu ZheJiang China