Column token:
A = Active
I = Init (not changeable)
R = Reverse
S = Send not zero values (useful for rotary switches and pushbuttons)
T = Test
LP = Left padding
dM = dimming mode: 0 == off
dT = dimming time interval [sec.]
dV = dimming value
Max = max value (range 0.0 - 1.0 only LED driver 3)
For rotary switches, please check R and S for all positions.
If you check one of these fields:
A = Active
R = Reverse
T = Test
Please select another field. Then the action behind the checkbox is
Package example: "File=A-10C:163=1.0:171=1.0:179=1.0:47=1.0:586=1.0:"
The delimiter is ':'
Switch/Load a new profile from data package ('File=A-10C:')
The parameter 'A-10C' comes from selfData.Name. The file A-10C.xml will be
Modul == 00, Connector == 00 -> Port A ... Arcaze USB
Modul == 00, Connector == 01 -> Port B ... -"-
Modul >= 01, Connector == 00 -> Port C ... LED-Driver
Modul >= 01, Connector == 01 -> Port D ... -"-
Modul >= 01, Connector == 02 -> Port E ... -"-
All values in HEX; Pin numbers in Dez;
Tab 'Configuration'
Please, uncheck the checkbox 'log all actions', if you are ready with your
tests and configurations.
Tab 'Display', 'LEDs', 'Switches' and 'Encoders'
Both checkboxes 'Active' and 'Init' must checked to get new values from a
Tab 'LEDs'
dM = dimming mode: 0 == off
dT = dimming time interval [sec.]
dV = dimming value
For activation of automatic dimming: value > 0.5; dM != 0
Real dimming is only possible with LED-Driver 3, but for other LEDs you get
a automatic blinking.
One more thing: Please use only LED-Driver 2 or LED-Driver 3 on a Arcaze.
Tab 'Masterdata'
Table 'Device IDs' and 'Device IDs and Button IDs';
Please look at the files device.lua and clickabledata.lua of your DCS-Modul.
There are all infos you need.
For example look at:
"... \Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts\ ..."
The infos for gauges are defined in the mainpanel_init.lua.