
PHP Pagination Library - Open Source Paginator Package

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PHP Pagination Library - Open Source

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Damian Pagination PHP - Open Source Pagination

Introduction - Damian Pagination PHP package

Damian Pagination PHP is an Open Source PHP library that allows you to generate simple and complete pagination.

This pagination is compatible for all projects in PHP (with MVC, without MVC, etc.).

This pagination is compatible with Bootstrap 5 CSS.

Paginate easily without limit!


$pagination = new Pagination();


$limit = $pagination->getLimit();
$offset = $pagination->getOffset();

echo $pagination->render();
echo $pagination->perPageForm();


This package is developed by Stephen Damian


  • PHP 8.0 || 8.1 || 8.2 || 8.3



This Open Source pagination contains PHP files, and one CSS style sheet.

An example of a CSS style sheet is in vendor/s-damian/damian-pagination-php/src/css directory. You can edit them according to your needs.

This pagination also allows you to generate a per page. This will generate a form HTML tag with a select HTML tag and clickable options.


Installation with Composer

composer require s-damian/damian-pagination-php

Installation without Composer

If you do not use Composer to install this package, you will have to manually "require" before using this package. Example:


require_once './your-path/damian-pagination-php/src/DamianPaginationPhp/bootstrap/load.php';

Pagination Instance Methods

Return type Method Description
void __construct(array $options = []) Constructor.
void paginate(int $count) Activate the pagination.
null or int getLimit() LIMIT: Number of items to retrieve.
null or int getOffset() OFFSET: From where start the LIMIT.
int getCount() Determine the total number of matching items in the data store.
int getCountOnCurrentPage() Get the number of items for the current page.
int getFrom() Get the result number of the first item in the results.
int getTo() Get the result number of the last item in the results.
int getCurrentPage() Get the current page number.
int getNbPages() Get the page number of the last available page (number of pages).
int getPerPage() The number of items to be shown per page.
bool hasPages() Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
bool hasMorePages() Determine if there are more items in the data store.
bool isFirstPage() Determine if the paginator is on the first page.
bool isLastPage() Determine if the paginator is on the last page.
bool isPage(int $pageNb) Determine if the paginator is on a given page number.
null or string getPreviousPageUrl() Get the URL for the previous page.
null or string getNextPageUrl() Get the URL for the next page.
string getFirstPageUrl() Get the URL for the first page.
string getLastPageUrl() Get the URL for the last page.
string getUrl(int $pageNb) Get the URL for a given page number.
string render() Make the rendering of the pagination in HTML format.
string perPageForm(array $options = []) Make the rendering of the per page in HTML format.


Simple example


$pagination = new Pagination();


$limit = $pagination->getLimit();
$offset = $pagination->getOffset();

// Here your SQL query with $limit and $offset

// Then your listing of elements with a loop

echo $pagination->render();
echo $pagination->perPageForm();

Example rendering of pagination with Bootstrap 5:

Laravel Man Pagination

Example with SQL queries


use DamianPaginationPhp\Pagination;

// Count articles in DB
function countArticles(): int
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb FROM articles";
    $query = db()->query($sql);
    $result = $query->fetch();
    return $result->nb;

// Collect articles from DB
function findArticles($limit, $offset)
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT ? OFFSET ?";
    $query = db()->prepare($sql);
    $query->bindValue(1, $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $query->bindValue(2, $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT);

    return $query;

// Creating an object Pagination
$pagination = new Pagination();

// Paginate

$limit = $pagination->getLimit();
$offset = $pagination->getOffset();

$articles = findArticles($limit, $offset);

// Show elements one by one that are retrieved from the database
foreach ($articles as $article) {
    echo htmlspecialchars($article->title);

// Show the Pagination
echo $pagination->render();
// Show the per page
echo $pagination->perPageForm();

The function db() is a return of result of the database connection (PDO instance for example).

Depending on your needs, you can also use this library with your favorite ORM.

Example with a list of files of a directory


use DamianPaginationPhp\Pagination;

$scandir = scandir('your_path_upload');

$listFilesFromPath = [];
$count = 0;
foreach ($scandir as $f) {
    if ($f !== '.' && $f !== '..') {
        $listFilesFromPath[] = $f;

// Creating an object Pagination
$pagination = new Pagination();

// Paginate

$limit = $pagination->getLimit();
$offset = $pagination->getOffset();

// Listing
$files = array_slice($listFilesFromPath, $offset, $limit);

// Show files one by one
foreach ($files as $file) {
    echo $file;

// Show the Pagination
echo $pagination->render();
// Show the per page
echo $pagination->perPageForm();

Add argument(s) to the instance


// To change number of Elements per page:
$pagination = new Pagination(['pp' => 50]);
// Is 15 by default

// To change number of links alongside the current page:
$pagination = new Pagination(['number_links' => 10]);
// Is 5 by default

// To change the choice to select potentially generate with perPageForm():
$pagination = new Pagination(['options_select' => [5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 'all']]);
// The value of 'options_select' must be a array.
// Only integers and 'all' are permitted.
// Options are [15, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300] by default.

// To change the CSS style of the pagination (to another CSS class as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_class_p' => 'name-css-class-of-pagintion']);
// The CSS class name is by default "pagination".

// To change the CSS style of the pagination active (to another CSS class as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_class_link_active' => 'name-css-class-of-pagintion']);
// The active CSS class name is by default "active".

// To change the CSS style of a per page (select) (to another id id as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_id_pp' => 'name-css-id-of-per-page-form']);
// The CSS ID name is by default  "per-page-form".

// To use Bootstrap CSS:
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_class_p' => 'pagination']);
// The CSS class name is by default "block-pagination"
// We must put "pagination"

Custom config

You can change the default language. It's english (en) by default.

Supported languages: "cn", "de", "ee", "en", "es", "fr", "it", "jp", "pt", "ru".

Set default language:


use DamianPaginationPhp\Config\Config;

// Change the language to "fr" (it's "en" by default.
Config::set(["lang" => "fr"]);


Bugs and security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a bug or a security vulnerability, please send a message to Stephen. Thank you.

All bugs and all security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project is an Open Source package under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.