
A lightweight and responsive website template that automatically crawls papers and talks from bibtex files

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Personal Website

This repository contains the python script to generate my homepage. It is very easy to adapt to your needs, and easy to maintain as the papers are crawled automatically from publication_list.bib and the talks from talk_list.bib.

How to use it

  1. Update and adjust the name and bio text in the function get_personal_data in the build.py file.
  2. Upload your own profile photo to assets/img/profile.jpg.
  3. Replace publications_list.pub with your publications. Note that the entries are crawled from top to bottom, i.e. the first entries are shown at the top. Further, the entries contain additional fields like html, code, and more, that are used to generate the links to the project page, code, etc. Check out the function get_paper_entry in build.py for more information.
  4. Replace talk_list.pub with your talks similar to before. Check out the function get_talk_entry in build.py for more information on accepted talk fields.
  5. Update the author websites in the function get_author_dict in builds.py to automatically generate the links to your co-authors' websites.
  6. Run python build.py which automatically generates the index.html file - the only file you need!
  7. Add credits and a link to my website; if you want me to also link to yours, send me a short message.


The overall design and open-sourcing the script is inspired by Jon Barron's awesome template and some functionality is inspired by Andreas Geiger's cool website!