A framework to add metadata to any R Object. This package does not provide any exciting functionality, but rather proposes a metadata standard for R objects. The main motivation behind this package was to provide a standardized way to store metadata with R objects that are saved to disk via saveRDS()
and similar functions.
The metadata format is heavily inspired by Data Packages. However, dsinfo is not designed as a tool to work with actual Data Packages, for that purpose please take a look at datapackage-r.
You can install dsinfo from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
x <- set_dsinfo(
id = "iris001",
reference_date = Sys.Date(),
name = "iris_dataset",
title = "The Iris Dataset",
version = "1.0",
sources = dsi_sources(
dsi_source("R demo data", path = "path/to/data", date = Sys.Date()),
dsi_source("Alfred Bogus", email = c("alfred@bogus.xx", "alfred.bogus@yahoo.ru"))
custom_metadata = "blubb",
description = paste(rep("blah", 10), collapse = " "),
homepage = "http://www.blah.bl"
#> iris001: iris_dataset (1.0 - 2018-04-19)
#> The Iris Dataset
#> blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
#> sources:
#> R demo data (2018-04-19)
#> - path/to/data
#> Alfred Bogus
#> - alfred@bogus.xx
#> - alfred.bogus@yahoo.ru
#> homepage:
#> http://www.blah.bl
#> custom_metadata:
#> blubb