
Ansible role for dropbear configuration on OpenWrt

Primary LanguageJinja

OpenWrt Dropbear

This role configures Dropbear on OpenWrt targets. It can also set up SSH public key authentication for the root user.


This role has no special requirements on the controller.

It does, however, require a working Python installation on the target system or gekmihesg's Ansible library for OpenWrt on the Ansible controller.

Role Variables

  • dropbear_config
    A dictionary of uci configuration options for Dropbear. Refer to the documentation for valid keys and their meaning. This role's default configuration deviates from OpenWrt's in two points:
    • Interface is set to lan
    • PasswordAuth and RootPasswordAuth are disabled if dropbear_user_public_key is set.
  • dropbear_user_public_key
    A list of SSH public key that are added to the global authorized_keys file of the root user. SSH key public key can be given as the keys themselves or as paths to the public key files on the Ansible controller. Optional.
  • dropbear_enable_sftp
    If set to true, this role installs OpenSSH's SFTP server component so that the SFTP subsystem an be used with the target system. Defaults to false.


This role does not depend on any specific roles.

Example Configuration

The following is a short example for some of the configuration options this role provides:

  Port: 2222
  Interface: "{{ omit }}"
  - ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
