SXML is XML written using s-expr syntax.
<html xmlns=""
<title>An example page</title>
<h1 id="greeting">Hi, there!</h1>
<p>This is just an >>example<< "to" show XHTML & SXML.</p>
Equivalent SXML:
(html @xmlns ""
@xml:lang "en"
@lang "en"
(head (title An example page))
(h1 @id "greeting" Hi, there!)
(p This is just an >>example<< "to" show XHTML & SXML.)
;; this is a comment
XHTML/HTML schema:
(schema @start html
(def-attr :xmlns :text)
(def-attr :xml:lang :text)
(def-attr :lang :text)
(def-attr :type :text)
(def-el :html (? :xmlns :xml:lang :lang :type) (? id) (head :body))
(def-el :head :title)
(def-el :body (* :p :h1))
(def-attr :id (* :text))
(def-el :h1 (? :id) :text)
(def-el :p :text)
(def-el :title :text)
- Install Deno (
curl -fsSL | sh
) - Clone this repository
- Install sxml using
deno install -fA src/sxml.ts
. Do this every time you update the repository so that the latest changes are compiled. - See
sxml --help
for more information.
- cli: parsing
- cli: validation against a schema
- cli: generate xml (sxml -> xml)
- Implement additional schema definition primitives based on RELAX NG
- browser: parsing, validation, generation