
Simple code related to adversarial examples, attacks, and defenses.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

This repository includes code related to adversarial examples, attacks, and defenses. This repository does not contain novel contents. It serves as a reference for beginners interested in this field.


Please run either of the following.


If you can use GPUs,

docker-compose -f "docker/docker-compose.gpu.yaml" up -d --build 

If you can use only CPUs,

docker-compose -f "docker/docker-compose.cpu.yaml" up -d --build 

Note that it is difficult to run ipynbs/movie/*.ipynb in a docker container due to the authentication of a camera device.


This setup assumes the running of ipynbs/movie/*.ipynb. You may also be able to run other ipynb and py files with this setup. However, this has not been verified.

pyenv install 3.11.8
pyenv global 3.11.8
pip install \
  matplotlib==3.8.3 \
  seaborn==0.13.2 \
  opencv-python== \
  torch==2.1.2 \
  torchvision==0.16.2 \
  pytorch-lightning==1.9.5 \
  lightning-lite==1.8.6 \
  ipykernel==6.29.3 \
  ipython==8.22.2 \


I will destructively update this repository, so files created in the past may not be executable with the current setup. Please refer to Dockerfile.old for the past setup.


  • imgs: Clean images.
  • advs: Adversarial examples created by bash/attack.sh and py/attack.py.
  • ipynbs/movie/*: Prediction for objects in a movie. You can test physical adversarial examples such as adversarial patches.
  • ipynbs/attack.ipynb: AutoPGD.
  • ipynbs/check.ipynb: Check the perturbation norm of adversarial images in advs.
  • ipynbs/comparison.ipynb: Comparison with FGSM, PGD, and APGD in CIFAR-10 and comparison with cross-entropy and DLR loss under gradient masking.
  • ipynbs/width.ipynb: Comparison with adversarially trained MLP models across various network widths.
  • py/attack.py: AutoPGD.
  • utils/apgd.py: AutoPGD targeting a specific class. This is not commonly implemented in adversarial attack libraries such as torchattacks and autoattack.
  • utils/mlp.py: A simple MLP model with or without shortcuts.
  • weights: Adversarially trained MLP weights across various network widths.