To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000/
from your browser, and since it's a Phoenix liveview application, you can open up another browser to play the blackjack game.
is the lobby where you need to enter your name to enter into the blackjack room. Once you've entered your name, you will be redirected to localhost:4000/blackjack_live
This is a simplified version of a Multiplayer Blackjack game with the following features implemented:
- Single Room
- Can only seat up to 3 players
- Players that have taken a seat can click "start game" to start each game round (This is different from traditional blackjack where we are not using any betting)
- Players can choose to leave a seat before a game round starts or after the game round ends
- The Game round starts as soon as any seated player clicks "start game"
- Players and Dealer total rounds won is tracked and displayed in their respective areas
- Here's a simple sequence diagram that demonstrates the Hit event so we can see how each component interacts with each other.
- Ideally, as you can see in the diagram, once GameServer has updated the game state, it should send back a response with the new game state before the changes are broadcasted, but we've chosen to handle the update asynchronously for now and will update this in the future. Alternatively, we could have the GameServer broadcast the update instead. Either way is probably a better design than what we have right now.
Note: The sequence diagram is generated using this tool -, and the txt file is stored in ./resources
- This simple design gives us an idea of the flow of the game
- Go here for the design
- We have decided to have a Game Server and Card Server take care of the Game State and the Card Deck state to achieve modularity.
Here's the game_state structure that will be used to track the changes in the game
dealer: array of Card
total_players: array of player_id
game_in_progress: boolean
completed_games: integer
turn: integer
seat1: nil | Player
seat2: nil | Player
seat3: nil | Player
dealer_score: integer
{rank, suite}
playerID: string
hand: array of Card
hand_value: integer
hand_options: map that has low and high hand value (because of Ace)
result: nil | :bust | :win | :draw | :lose
score: integer
- This game is only an MVP as we were using it to learn more about Phoenix Liveview, in order to make this game more robust, the following features could be included in the next release to make it more like a real blackjack game:
- Add betting starting balance
- Remove start game and instead game to be started when all players have placed their bet
- Add Timer for when players can place their bet
- Add Timer for when player needs to make hit or stand decisions
- Add Split to enable players to hold more than 1 hand
- Add hand total for Dealer
- In the event any server crashes, persist the data using ets_table or some data store
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