unfolding_app_template and UC San Diego/Coursera MOOC starter code ================================================================== This is a skeleton to use Unfolding in Eclipse as well as some starter code for the Object Oriented Programming in Java course offered by UC San Diego through Coursera. A very basic Unfolding demo you'll find in the source folder in the default package. For more examples visit http://unfoldingmaps.org, or download the template with examples. The module folders contain the starter code for the programming assignments associated with the MOOC. Get excited and make things! INSTALLATION Import this folder in Eclipse ('File' -> 'Import' -> 'Existing Projects into Workspace', Select this folder, 'Finish') MANUAL INSTALLATION If the import does not work follow the steps below. - Create new Java project - Copy+Paste all files into project - Add all lib/*.jars to build path - Set native library location for jogl.jar. Choose appropriate folder for your OS. - Add data/ as src TROUBLE SHOOTING Switch Java Compiler to 1.6 if you get VM problems. (Processing should work with Java 1.6, and 1.7)
My project for "Object Oriented Programming in Java" by UCSD on Coursera