
Washington state house sales Tableau Dashboard


Washington state house sales Tableau Dashboard

Tableau Online link: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/jasmehak.smagh/viz/WashingtonHomePriceData/WashingtonHomePriceData

This repository contains a Tableau dashboard that visualizes and analyzes house price data in Washington State. The dashboard is designed to provide insights into the housing market in Washington, including trends, price variations, and more.

Dashboard Preview

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 19 29 22

Dashboard Features

  • Interactive visualizations for exploring house price data.
  • Filters and parameters to refine data based on specific criteria.
  • Insightful charts, graphs, and maps to understand house price patterns.
  • Dashboard designed for user-friendly navigation and exploration.

To use:

  • Either access the Dashboard using the Tableau Online link above.
  • Or download the Tableau Workbook file to access the dashboard.