Examples for Programming Digital Media class at Louisiana State University, Spring 2019
- email: tcarso2@lsu.edu
- Office hours: 1pm to 3pm Monday in the Digital Media Center (2006)
- 2-12-19 - Web audio basics and sound file players - slides, textbook
- 2-14-19 - Ading effects and intro to synthesis - slides, textbook
- Tone.js Github - main repository
- Tone.js API - documentation
- Tone.js Wiki - covers a few things not explained in the API, ex. Time, envelopes
- Tone.js Google Group - ask a question here if you can't get it answered in class
- PDM Online Textbook - in development for highschool class but covers all necessary material
- Interactive Presets - use to experiment and find new sounds, do not copy presets from here else you add something unique to them.
- Make music with Tone - some tutorials for making more traditional music with Tone
- tone-rhythm - very helpful for making musical phrases with tone
- Ex. Maria - play Maria with tone. This requires knowledge of importing from npm with the 'import' keyword. It will not work with a script tag.
- Algorithmic Music Tutorial - uses p5 sound but many of the creative ideas are transferable to Tone.js
- Hackpact - Algorithmic audiovisual sonification studies
- Digital Sound and Music - explanations and definitions of all things digital sound
Still having trouble with some basics?
- freeCodeCamp
- codecademy
- MDN web docs Javascript - includes some tutorials and the standard javascript reference
- stackoverflow - find answers or ask questions to javacript related things.