
OpenSource (EPL licensed) UML2 Graphical Modelers (Class, Composite, State, Activity, Sequence ...)

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome to UML Modeling by Obeo Network

This modeler provides a set of common diagrams to work with UML 2.1 models. The intent is to provide an easy way to make the transition from UML to domain specific modeling. This way users can continue to manipulate legacy UML models and start working with DSL. Users can even re-use the provided representations and work in a total transparence on both UML and DSL models at the same time.

These plugins are released under the EPL Open-Source License.

More details about features, screenshots, release notes, dependencies here:

Give us feedback and fill in our survey !

Class Diagram

Use Cases Diagram

Component Diagram

States Diagram

Activity Diagram

Building the Module for Obeo Designer “Classic”

You’ll need Apache Maven 3 to be installed on your computer.

To launch the build, go to the root of your git repository and type :

mvn clean package

You might want to build with another version of Obeo Designer as an input (for instance a beta or an integration build) You can do so using the od-site property : @ mvn clean package -Dod-site="http://www.mydomain.com/some/update/site/"@

Maven will bootstrap itself, download all the dependencies and build UML Designer. The output of the build is a p2 repository (an update site) generated here :


To install it in an Eclipse installation use Help/Install New Software and point to this location.

Launching the test is not harder, just type :

mvn clean verify

Maven will launch the tests and give you the result.
Code coverage is captured thanks to Jacoco.

Building the Module for an alternate installation of Viewpoint.

The build instructions are the same as for an Obeo Designer installation. It will require you Maven 3, Java and an internet connection.

To launch the build, go to the root of your git repository and type :

mvn clean package -P!od-build

If you are using bash, you might need to escape the !.

UML Designer technically only depend on the Viewpoint component of Obeo Designer but to ease installation for end user the UML Designer feature specify some explicit dependencies on some of the Obeo Designer features.

It might be a problem for you if you use a different distribution of Viewpoint. To cover those use cases we defined an alternate packaging for UML Designer. After kicking the build you’ll find another update site in :


which aggregates a specific feature which does not depend on Obeo Designer by itself.


Just use github, fork our main repository do your changes and trigger a pull request , we’ll be happy to consider it for inclusion.