
An unofficial mirror of misc from fleshless.org

Primary LanguageShellISC LicenseISC


All scripts here are released uder the BSD 2-Clause open license (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause). It basically says that you can do whatever you like with the code as long as you credit the author and provide the license with it. Also see LICENSE in the repo.


I do not promise any support for any of the provided scripts. That said, I'll do what I can for you if I'm not too busy and/or drunk.

General information

The paths are all configurable of course. The help information that the scripts give is dynamic and is provided here only for reference.

Suggestions, feature requests




A background changer

$ chameleon --help
Usage: chameleon [options] <target>
	-m|--bg-manager      # Specify a bg manager to use. The default is feh.
	-M|--bg-mode         # Specify the bg mode.
	-C|--color           # Specify a color for the background.
	                       If used without a target image, fills the background with the color.
	                       Needs imagemagick for that though.
	-d|--daemon	         # Daemon mode: sets the background periodically. Useful if the taget is a dir.
	-D|--daemon-delay    # Delay for periodic bg changing, in seconds (default: 900).
	-r|--recursive       # If the target is a dir, search for files recursively.
	-v|--verbose         # Be verbose.
	-h|--help            # Show this message.
	feh: center, fill, max, scale, tile.


Miner is a simple tool to merge (patch) zip archives.

$ miner
Usage: miner <zip0> <zip1>


A client for ix.io. I didn't like the official one.
Depends on curl.

$ cmd | ixio
$ ixio < file

$ ixio -h
Usage: ixio [flags] < <file>
	-h|--help            Show this message
	-d|--delete <id>     Delete an id
	-p|--put <id>        Overwrite an id
	-l|--limit <num>     Number of times the paste can be read before it's deleted.
	-u|--user            Username for autherntication. Turns on authentication.
	-n|--auth-toggle     Toggle authentication. Turns authentication on or off (even if a username is supplied) depending
	                       on the default set in the config file (if any). Without one, the default is on.


A script for sprunge, because I'm weird and hate aliases.
Depends on curl.

$ cmd | sprunge
$ sprunge < file


imgur is a relatively simple imgur client. It does not support authorization.

Usage: imgur [flags] [path]
	-h    Show this message.
	-s    Make a screenshot and upload that. If a path is specified, the screenshot is saved there.
	      If the path is a dir, the screenshot will be saved under that directory with a random name.
	      You can override the default tmp dir (/tmp) in the config file with `tmp_dir=<path>`
	-F    Make a fullscreen screenshot instead of asking you to select a window or an area. Implies -s.
	-R    Remove the file after uploading.
	-c    Source an alternative config file.

Using several keys in a row (like -sFR) is not supported.
There is no support for putting the image URL into the X clipboard. That's stupid. Just do `imgur | xclip`.
You can set some stuff in a config file. Look in the argument handling part of the script for details.
The default path is $HOME/.config/imgur.rc.sh


An i3-lock wrapper for doing fancy shit.

Usage: i3lock-extra <-m mode> [args]
	--mode|-m <mode>    # Lock mode.
	--tmpdir|-d <path>  # Directory to store temporary files in. This should not be accessible by other users!
	--pixelize-scape|-p # For the pixelize mode only. Sets the number by which the image is resized down and
	                      back up to achieve the pixelize effect. For example, 4 means that it will be resized
	                      to 1/4 of the original and blown back up.
	rnd <dir>           # Use a random image from a dir.
	blur [img]          # Take a screenshot, blur it out. If provided, add an image on top.
	pixelize [img]      # Same as the above, but pixelize the image instead.
	img <img>           # Use the provided image.


X autolocker. Uses xssstate.

Usage: lockd [-r <rundir>] [-p <poll_rate>] <command>


Very basic password manager. Uses GPG.

g|get <tag>       # Get a password into your clipboard.
s|search [regex]  # Search your tags. Lists everything without a regex.
l|list [regex]    # Same as search.
c|clear           # Clear the terminal.
h|?|help          # Show this message.