
Beginner JavaScript Guide

Beginners Guide to JavaScript

Syntax / Snippets / Best Design Patterns

Function Declaration

function plus(a,b){
return sum

plus(2,3); // 5

Function Expression / Function Literal

var plus = function(a.b){
return a+b

plus(2,3) // 5

Self Invocing Function

The trick is to add the "(" before the function and "()" after


  // Code get trigger on page load



  return a+b

Object Literal Notation

var person = {

Object Constructor

var Person = function(sex, fn, ln){
  // Properties
  this.age = 0;
  this.sex = sex;
  this.firstname = fn;
  this.lastname = ln;

  // Methods
  this.setAge = function(value){
                  this.age = value;

var Fred = new Person('male', 'Fred', 'Flintstone');

Parsing Json

var data={

var placeholder = document.querySelector(".placeholder");
    placeholder.innerHTML = data.firstName +" "+ data.lastName +" "+ data.joined;

Declare an html element with the "class" attribute of ".placehoder" and the "innerHTML" will inject json object inside of it

var shell = document.querySelector("ul.shell"),
output = "";

for(var i=0; i < newData.users.length ; i++){

	console.log(newData.users[i].firstName +" "+ newData.users[i].lastName + " -Joined- " + newData.users[i].joined.month + "/" + newData.users[i].joined.day +"/"+ newData.users[i].joined.year);

	output+= "<li>" + newData.users[i].firstName +" "+ newData.users[i].lastName + " -Joined- " + newData.users[i].joined.month + "/" + newData.users[i].joined.day +"/"+ newData.users[i].joined.year + "</li>";


shell.innerHTML = output


Resource : http://hop.ie/blog/particles/?utm_source=gamedevjsweekly&utm_medium=email

var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); // Create the canvas html element
var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Define whether canvas will be 2D or 3D
canvas.width = 500; // Define width
canvas.height =500; // Define height
document.body.appendChild(canvas); // Throw the canvas node in the body

context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);  //The fillRect method draws a filled rectangle on the canvas. It is used by setting the starting X and Y values in pixels, then the shape to draw. In this case we start the rectangle at the top left corner (0,0) and draw a rectangle

// When a fillStyle is not specified, it will default to black.

context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(300, 200, 10, 10); // X , Y , width , height

//Canvas includes an arc function that can draw curved shapes, and we can use it to make a round particle.
//content.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise)

// After setting the fill style, draw an arc on the canvas
context.arc(400, 200, 10, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
context.fillStyle = "white"; 

// Let's get some movement going - Set up a position variable 
var posX = 20,
posY = 100;

// Draw shapes on the canvas using an interval of 30ms

setInterval(function() {

	posX += 1;
	posY += 0.25;
	//This will result in the canvas being redrawn each time, creating what looks like the particle moving across the canvas
	context.fillStyle = "black";
	context.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height)
	// Draw a circle particle on the canvas
	context.fillStyle = "white";
	// After setting the fill style, draw an arc on the canvas
	context.arc(posX, posY, 10, 0, Math.PI*2, true); 

}, 30);