
Data analysis on Chicago infrastructure and infrastructure spending

Primary LanguagePython

Chicago Participatory Urbanism

Every year, Chicago alders get $1.5 million to spend at their discretion on capital improvements on their ward through the city's Aldermanic Menu Program. Their spending is publicly available in PDF format in the Chicago Capital Improvement Archive. We are in the process of extracting and geocoding this data.

Check out the GitHub issues for things to work on.

Getting Started/Installing the Repo

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Run the following command in the terminal:
pip install .

Work Flow

  • Extract data from PDFs
  • Post-process data (name cleanup, field seperation, categorization)
  • Geocode location data
    • Identify location format
    • Parse location into collection of street numbers or street intersections
    • Get GPS coordinates from street numbers and street interesections
    • Combine coordinates into point(s), lines, or polygons
  • Post-process geo-data
    • Interpolate lines and polygons into point clouds for heatmapping

Code Overview


  • extract_text_from_pdf - converts CIP aldermanic menu spending PDFs into CSVs
  • ward_spending_analysis - post-processes PDF data, making fixes to columns and categorizing items
  • ward_spending_geocoding script - gecodes the CSV data, outputtinga geoJSON

Upcoming Bike Lanes

  • bike_geocoding_script - one-off, uses the ward wise libraries to geocode CDOT upcoming bike lane data

Chicago Participatory Urbanism libraries

  • ward_spending.address_geocoding - use to convert location text into geo-coded geometry data
    • ward_spending.address_format_processing - use to parse location text into street numbers and street intersections
    • geocoder - use to geocode street numbers and street intersections


Brainstorming Doc