OpenBSD based mail server (smtpd, dovecot, rspamd, sieve).

Setup using ansible.

Tested with: OpenBSD 7.5 and ansible 2.16.5 on python 3.12.2

For support, contact

General Setup

  • Configure a new server running OpenBSD 7.5 (i. e. )
  • Python 3 on new client and server
  • Setup your DNS for: A, AAAA and reverse records
  • Later, once tested and working fine you can also create an MX records for your domain
  • Make sure the new server is ssh-able

Extra features

  • IP blocking with NixSpam
  • IP blocking with PF-badhost
  • IP white listing for mail traffic

Run playbooks in below order.


  • Users, Admins and a mailadmin user provide passwords by hash. Hash the passwords you want to use.
  • Admins have ssh keys to connect. They are copied from your workstation.
  • Authorized, trusted IPs can manage and monitor. Add them to pf_trusted_hosts
  • Normal visitors can do HTTP and HTTPs as well as known mail ports
  • ssh to your host, install python3 like pkg_add python3
  • Prepare an inventory for your server like so
[all_hosts] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python3 ansible_port=22 ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key=~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
  • ..Or create an ansible inventory using: ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_password=secret .. if you need to use root and a password.


Set parameters in a hosts file (like host_vars/ or set them globally in group_vars/all.yml)

  • Configure mail_domain.
  • Configure fqdn
  • Configure IP settings, if you need manual config
  • Configure Admins, Users along with their password hashes
  • Configure mailadmin password hash. The user is used to provide admin-access to Mailboxes (WIP)


Run below playbooks in order

  • system.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory system.yml )
  • syspatch.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory syspatch.yml -e "update=true" )
  • ssh.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory ssh.yml )
  • pf.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory pf.yml )
  • from here on, create your A and AAAA for allowing cert creation
  • httpd.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory httpd.yml -e "httpd_use_tls=false" -e "httpd_use_lets_encrypt=true" )
  • acme-client.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory acme-client.yml )
  • httpd.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory httpd.yml -e "httpd_use_tls=true" -e "httpd_use_lets_encrypt=true" )
  • Configure inventory to no longer use passwords: ansible_user=puffy ansible_ssh_private_key=~/.ssh/id_ecdsa


Run below playbooks in order

  • rspamd.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory rspamd.yml )
  • dkim.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory dkim.yml )
  • smtpd.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory smtpd.yml )
  • dovecot.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory dovecot.yml )
  • sieve.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory sieve.yml )
  • mta-sts.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory mta-sts.yml )

And finally

  • Configure SPF, DMARC, DKIM and more later with help of:
  • dns-setup.yml ( ansible-playbook -i inventory dns-setup.yml )
  • .. It can be tough / annoying / confusing. Don't give up.
  • Optionally: Restore a Maildir backup to the local home folder of your user

Setup your mail client


  • IMAP
  • Port 143
  • Login: password
  • User: stefan


  • SMTP
  • Port 587
  • Login: password
  • User: stefan

Big shoutouts to