
Development of a f-k method toolbox applicable to seismological array data

Primary LanguagePython

Seismic-Toolbox: bowPy

Development of a toolbox applicable to seismological array data using Body Waves, containing f-k methods for data reconstruction and filtering


  • clone/download the repo

  • cd into bowPy

  • python3 -m venv env

  • source env/bin/activate

  • (env) pip install .

  • (env) pip install basemap

start ipython


Example of FK-filter

from obspy.core.stream import read as read_stream
from obspy.core.inventory import read_inventory
from obspy.core.event import read_events
from bowpy.filter.fk import fk_filter
from bowpy.util.array_util import vespagram

st = read_stream("PATH_TO_DATA/*.SAC")
inv = read_inventory("PATH_TO_INVENTORY_FILE")
events = read_events("PATH_TO_EVENT_FILE")

vespa_data = vespagram(st, inv=inv, event=events[0])

fitered_st = fk_filter(st, inv=inv, event=events[0])

vespa_data_filtered = vespagram(fitered_st, inv=inv, event=events[0])