Assignment 1: Shailja 12IE10025 ----------------- Q1&2. Type the following command in terminal to compile python Q1, This will read both the images and convert the color image to gray. Image1 and Image2 will be displayed. Close these window and then gray scale image will be displayed. Q3. Type the following command in terminal to compile python Then enter the value of p. Salt Pepper noise will be added. Close the window and median filtered denoised images will be dispayed. Close this window and wait for the denoised image using mean filter to be displayed. Q4. Type the following command in terminal to compile python A PSNR vs p plot will be displayed where the red line is for median filter and green line is for mean filter. Q5. Type the following command in terminal to compile python Q6. Type the following command in terminal to compile python It will take more computation time(5-10 mints) Q7. Type the following command in terminal to compile python Q8(Bonus). Type the following command in terminal to compile python This will illustrate Q1,2,3 using openCV library python python python We observe that using library it takes less computation time and also better results.