Q1. 'transform.py' from pyimagesearch has been imported, so make sure that folder pyimagesearch and Q1.py are in same destination.
	a) python Q1.py --image text_box.jpg

	b) python Q1.py --image Ajanta_inscription.jpg

Click on the four corners and close the image, the original image will be displayed and after closing that window the result image will be displayed.

Q2.  	python Q2.py --first Ajanta_2.jpg --second Ajanta_1.jpg
	python Q2.py --first Ajanta_2.jpg --second Ajanta_blurred.jpg
	python Q2.py --first Ajanta_1.jpg --second Ajanta_blurred.jpg

	a) not solved
	b) python stitch.py --first images/img1.jpg --second images/img2.jpg
	c) python Q2_c.py