
Ansible role to provision Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) with end-to-end scenario

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Azure Kubernetes Service

A role help to create Kuberntes Service in Azure.


The role uses Ansible azure modules, and miniest supported version is 2.8.0.

Getting started with Ansible Azure modules with Microsoft Docs

Role Variables

variable Required Default Value description
name yes Name of the Kubernetes Service resource
resource_group yes Resource group of the resource
aad_client_app_id The ID of an Azure Active Directory client application of type Native.
This application is for user login via kubectl.
aad_server_app_id The ID of an Azure Active Directory server application of type Web app/API.
This application represents the managed cluster's apiserver (Server application).
aad_server_app_secret The secret of an Azure Active Directory server application.
aad_tenant_id The ID of an Azure Active Directory tenant.
admin_username azureuser User account to create on node VMs for SSH access.
service_principal Loading from ansible-playbook, environment variable AZURE_CLIENT_ID or ~/.azure/credentials Service principal used for authentication to Azure APIs.
client_secret Loading from ansible-playbook, environment variable AZURE_SECRET or ~/.azure/credentials Secret associated with the service principal.
dns_prefix The same as name Prefix for hostnames that are created.
dns_service_ip An IP address assigned to the Kubernetes DNS service.
This address must be within the Kubernetes service address range specified by service_cidr.
docker_bridge_cidr A specific IP address and netmask for the Docker bridge, using standard CIDR notation.
This address must not be in any Subnet IP ranges, or the Kubernetes service address range.
enable_rbac True Enable Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control.
http_application_routing False Enable http_application_routing addon. Configure ingress with automatic public DNS name creation.
kubernetes_version First value from azure_rm_aks_version module Version of Kubernetes to use for creating the cluster.
location eastus Region of the Kubernetes Service resource, will use resource_group's location if not specified.
Location is required if resource group not exist
max_pods 110 The maximum number of pods deployable to a node.
monitoring False Enable monitoring addon. Turn on Log Analytics monitoring.
network_plugin Choices:
 - kubenet
 - azure
The Kubernetes network plugin to use.
network_policy The Kubernetes network policy to use. Using together with "azure" network plugin. Specify azure for Azure network policy manager and calico for calico network policy controller.
node_count 3 Number of nodes in the Kubernetes node pool.
node_osdisk_size_gb 30 Size in GB of the OS disk for each node in the node pool.
node_vm_size Standard_DS1_v2 Size of Virtual Machines to create as Kubernetes nodes.
nodepool_name nodepool1 Node pool name, upto 12 alphanumeric characters.
os_type Linux
pod_cidr A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign pod IPs when kubenet is used.
This range must not overlap with any Subnet IP ranges.
service_cidr A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs.
This range must not overlap with any Subnet IP ranges.
storage_profile ManagedDisks
ssh_key Loading from ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Public key path or key contents to install on node VMs for SSH access.
virtual_node False Enable virtual_node addon. Fast provisioning of pods with Azure Container Instance.
virtual_node_subnet_id Create a new resource when virtual_node is True.
vnet_subnet_id Create a new resource when virtual_node is True or network_plugin defined. The ID of a subnet in an existing VNet into which to deploy the cluster.
workspace_resource_id Use the first Log Analytics Workspace in the resource_group or create a new resource when monitoring is True. The resource ID of an existing Log Analytics Workspace to use for storing monitoring data.

Example Playbook

Install the role via:

ansible-galaxy install azure.aks

Use the role in the playbook to create the most default AKS:

- hosts: localhost
      - include_role:
           name: azure.aks
           name: akscluster
           resource_group: aksroletest

Create an AKS with monitoring:

- hosts: localhost
      - include_role:
           name: azure.aks
           monitoring: yes
           name: akscluster
           resource_group: aksroletest
