
[development moved to private repository] Bitcoin Network Probing Tool

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Bitcoin Network Probing Tool

Sometimes you want to query information a Bitcoin node, e.g. the type of client it uses or its current timestamp.

[INFO]: Sending version message
[INFO]: Version received. peer=, useragent=/Satoshi:0.13.1/, timestamp=1479927567, localtime=1479927580

Sometimes you want to make several parallel connections to the same node

./bcclient -n2

Sometime you want to receive blocks/transactions from a peer and print them in real time

./bcclient -l inv -l tx

Or you want to query a node about peers it is aware of by sending a 'getaddr' message:

./bcclient -s getaddr -l addr -l idle 

Or you want to send a bogus block:

./bcclient -s block -l idle # '-l idle' keeps the connection open

This kind of information is hard to get/send using the core Bitcoin client which motivates the development of this Bitcoin network-probing client. This software was used when testing the attack described the following papers:

[1] Alex Biryukov, Ivan Pustogarov. Bitcoin over Tor isn’t a good Idea. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland) 2015.

[2] Alex Biryukov, Dmitry Khovratovich, Ivan Pustogarov. Deanonymisation of Clients in Bitcoin P2P Network. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2014 (ACM CCS): 15-29

Compile Instructions

This software relies on a specific commit of libbitcoin (and probably will not work with other commits). This specific commit is included and you have to compile it first.

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool libboost-all-dev pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libleveldb-dev shtool libssl-dev
$ cd libbitcoin
$ ln -s $(which shtool)
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure --enable-leveldb
$ make
$ cd ../
$ make

I tested the tool in Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu14.04, and Debian 8.4. If it does not compile, you might want to try older version of libboost.

Using with testnet

By default the tool works only with mainnet. You will need to recompile it to work testnet.

$ make clean
$ cd libbitcoin
$ make clean
$ ./configure --enable-leveldb --enable-testnet
$ make
$ cd ../
$ make

Remember to use '-p 18333' (default is 8333)

Using with Tor

In order to use "./bcclient" program through tor and use a specific Exit node, you can use the following configuration;

Launch Tor on on a separate local machine with the following lines in torrc:

ExitNodes <exit-node-name> 
StrictExitNodes 1
SocksPort <your-torproxy:9100>

Install badvpn

Create new tuntap interface:

$sudo ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun
$sudo ip link set tun0 up
$sudo ip addr add dev tun0
$badvpn-tun2socks --tundev tun0 --netif-ipaddr --netif-netmask --socks-server-addr <your-torproxy>:9100
$sudo route del default
$sudo route add default gw

In order to put everything back:

$sudo route del default
$sudo route add default gw
$sudo ip tuntap del dev tun0 mode tun

Output format

When ./bcclient receives a transaction it prints by default it in a succinct way. In order to include fields description, use '-v' flag.

Adaptation for other blockchains

This reposiroty is a fork of the original bcclient. Its main goal is to do security research for the Zcash cryptocurrency. After some refactoring, the code was modified to be used with Zcash.

In order to use the tool with Zcash or other blockchain with similar networking properties, you only have to change the corresponding parameter in libbitcoin/src/constants.cpp, for intance for Zcash (mainnet / testnet is determined by a compilation parameter):

constexpr Chain chosen_chain = Chain::ZCASH;

If necessary, update version.start_height in include/constants.hpp to a recent block (look it up on a blockchain explorer: Bitcoin mainnet / testnet, Zcash mainnet / testnet.