
Primary LanguageGroovy

Interview code challenges

Checkout terminal

In this test we look at:

  • General knowledge of Groovy programming
  • How the candidate solves the problem. Is the candidate able to break up the problem into smaller problems and solve them one by one, or does he go for a "brute force" way of solving it.
  • Does the candidate use tests to come to the final result
  • Algorithmic problem solving.

Message validator

This is usually the second coding challenge we give to a candidate. This test is different in the way that the candidate is given an existing code base and asked to extend it and solve a problem. In this test we look at:

  • General knowledge of Groovy programming
  • How the candidate solves the problem
  • How the candidate is able to understand and get familiar with an existing code base and constraints
  • Understanding of Java / Groovy generics
  • Understanding of functional programming patterns

How to

  • These are Grooovy coding challenge, the implementation language MUST be Grooovy
  • Each of the challenge must be done in a separate pull request.
  • The pull request needs to as descriptive as possible

Nice to have

  • Picocli CLI app for each of the challenges
  • Migrate the two gradle projects into a single multi module one
  • Implement static analysis code (eg. Codenarc, ...)