
Task mangement todo is a full-stack web application built with MEVN Stack(MongoDB, Express, VueJS, Node). Based on modern teal color pallet.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Task management Todo

Build Status

Task mangement todo is a full-stack web application built with MEVN Stack(MongoDB, Express, VueJS, Node).


  • User athentication : Registration of user and encryption of passwords which is achieved via JSON Web Tokens
  • Todo Labels which include Personal, Work, Shopping and Others
  • Todo Status like New, On Progress and completed
  • Searching with titles using filters which includes date range and the above mentioned labels and status.
  • Users CRUD operations like Changing passwords, name and photo
  • Todo CRUD operations like creating, updating status and deleting


Task Management Todo uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • VueJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • NodeJs - evented I/O for the backend
  • ExpressJS - fast node.js network app framework converter
  • MongoDB - a document based database engine
  • Mongoose - elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js
  • v-calendar - An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vuejs.
  • Multer - a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data
  • bcryptjs - A library to help you hash passwords.


Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the developmental server.

$ npm i

You can run this if you have installed Vue JS globally [$ npm i -g @vue/cli]

$ npm run serve

or run npx command

$ npx vue-cli-service serve

For the server side run these commands

$ cd server
$ npm i
$ npm run dev

src/main.js needs to be updated with the backend API link server/.env needs to be updated with the mongodb address
