Test dummy project
Deployment Plan
#Resources needed to support the product
- IDE - Eclipse/IntelliJ
- Windows/Mac Machine
- Browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Edge (in case of Windows OS)
- Internet Connection
#Project can be imported from zip file or can be cloned from the git-hub https://github.com/s-vish/ui-api-harmony
#Project Structure
src/test/java - all sub-packages contains only Test executable methods.
src/main/java com.api.* - this namining convension is used for all files related to API com.ui.* - this naming convension is used for all the files related to UI com.base - contains TestBase class, which is extended by all Test executable classes. com.utilities - All common functionalities which are useful for API and UI are mentioned here. com.gui.pom.pages - All the UI pages with their intended elements are mentioned here. com.report - report generatering utility class.
#com.config - contains config. properties file which is the source of configurable parameters. city_name - will be running the test for the city value specified. browser - will run the test on the browser mentioned here. range - it's a varience range value.
#implemented extended reports and can be found inside 'extendedReport' folder.