
A system inspired by D&D style combat, in which a random number is generated to dictate whether or not an attack lands.

Primary LanguageC++

Roll To Hit Combat System


In this project my aim was to recreate the popular combat system that is featured in table top rpg games such as D&D and many others. The idea is that when an attack is committed, the attack stat of the attacker is added on to a randomly generated number and compared against the defensive skill of the defender. This project features that in the form of a player character that can be ordered to move or attack in the style of many rpgs to this date. The player is given an isometric view and one player character with which they can send to attack an enemy NPC.


Currently the gameplay includes ordering the player character to move or to attack the enemy NPC. If the PC is ordered to attack by left clicking on the Enemy NPC, the PC will then make its way to the Enemy NPC and once it is in range, it will execute its attack. Once the attack is executed, the random number will be generated within the range of 1 to 20. This number will then have the attackers attack stat added to it and then it will be compared to the defenders defence skill. If the number generated with the attack stat is higher than that of the defence skill then the attack will land and reduce the health of the defender, if not then the attack will simply miss and nothing will occur.

Player Character

The player character contains an isometric camera and a pawn character to control. When the player issues inputs such as right mouse button to move and left to attack a target, these commands are issued to the Player Character controller and then to the player character itself. This style of control and display is reminiscent of rpg games such as Divinity Original Sin, Baldurs gate etc. The player character currently has full animation including idle, running and attacking animation states.

NPC : Enemy

This characters sole purpose is to attack the Player Character on sight. To accomplish this, it contains an AI perception system to allow it to percieve and identify its surroundings. It targets the player character specifically and once it has detected the PC it will then pursue and attack until it or the PC is dead. Both the PC and the Enemy NPC are children of the base character class, as such they will inherit functions and variables from this parent class such as Health, Attack Stat, Defence Stat and the Attack function. In both Characters the Attack function is called through using the Anim Notify function available within each of their respective Animation Blueprints. The Enemy NPC currently has full animation including Idle, Running, Attacking and a death animation State.


The models and animations shown in the project were sourced from Mixamo


All audio featured in the project was sourced from soundbible.com

To Do

Add ranged attacks, IE spells or bows for increased variety.

This project was created using UE4 using both visual scripting (blueprint) and code (C++).