
Laravel authentication module.

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Auth is a Laravel module to quickly implement the authentication system into your applications, so that you don't have to implement it every time you start a new projects.

By default Laravel has its own command to create an authentication scaffolding, but I don't find it very flexible. That's why I wrote my own authentication system to import it in all my projects and in yours as well if you like it :)


List of features included in this package:

  • Login
  • Registration
  • Password reset
  • Logout
  • High customization
  • CSRF protection
  • Honeypot trap


Run this command in your application root:

composer require Virus191288\Auth

Add the service provider to the providers list in config/app.php:


Add the following route middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php:

'honeypot' => \Virus191288\Auth\Http\Middleware\Honeypot::class,

And then run these two commands in your terminal:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Virus191288\Auth\AuthServiceProvider”
php artisan migrate

Now you have the database migrated with the users table and can customize the behavior of the authentication system by editing the file config/_auth.php as well as modify/translate the messages in resources/lang/packages.

Finally, in order to display custom messages to the users, add the DisplaysExceptions trait to your exceptions handler:

use Virus191288\Auth\Exceptions\DisplaysExceptions;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;

class Handler extends ExceptionHandler {

	use DisplaysExceptions;

	public function render($request, Exception $e)
		if($printable = $this->displayExceptions($e)) return $printable;

		return parent::render($request, $e);


So now you can display the custom messages in your views:

@if ($error = session('error'))
	<div class="alert alert-danger">{{ $error }}</div>
@elseif ($success = session('success'))
	<div class="alert alert-success">{{ $success }}</div>