Pynq Car using xilinx PYNQ-zu: An ROS2 based Mobile Robot Platform


Environment setting

The whole project is running on the PS side.

OS: Linux UBUNTU 22
ROS2 distro: rolling

To run this project, first clone this project by:

$ git clone

After having the repo successfully installed, create a new branch to protect the main branch

$ git branch "your branch name"

$ git checkout "your branch name"

Due to some environment issue, we need to log in as a root user to build and run this repo

$ sudo -E -s

And navigate to your ws dir again

$ cd /home/xilinx/"your ws name"

Copy the following cmd in the terminal

source /opt/ros/rolling/
cd ROSCar_on_PYNQ
source install/  
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/[your_user]/ROSCar_on_PYNQ/include
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/[your_user]/ROSCar_on_PYNQ/hardware

Build the project Please build each packatge separately

$ colcon build --packages_select [your package]