Number Communication Tree is a web application where users communicate by creating chains of mathematical operations starting from an initial number. The application features a server-side and client-side implementation, with operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division forming a tree-like structure of calculations. Unregistered users can view the calculation tree, while registered users can start new calculations or respond to existing ones.
- Unregistered User:
- View the tree of all calculations.
- Register for an account.
- Log in to become a registered user.
- Registered User:
- Start a chain of calculations by publishing a starting number.
- Add an operation to an existing calculation.
- Respond to any other calculations with new operations.
- Backend: Node.js, TypeScript
- Frontend: React, TypeScript, Vite
- Containerization: Docker, Docker Compose
Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:
- Docker (
- Docker Compose (
- Clone the Repository
git clone
cd second-test-assignment
- Build and Run the Application Using Docker Compose
sudo docker-compose build --no-cache
sudo docker-compose up
This will start both the backend and frontend services. The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.
- Run the Application from Source (Optional) If you prefer to run the application from source without Docker, follow these steps:
Running the Frontend
cd front-end
yarn install
yarn dev
This will start the frontend development server on http://localhost:5173.
Running the Backend In a separate terminal window:
cd back-end
# The backend of this application requires a .env file for environment variables. So, create a .env file
touch .env
Here's an example configuration:
Now, you can install and run
yarn install
yarn dev
This will start the backend server on http://localhost:5000.
$ tree -L 1
├── docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file to build and run the application.
├── front-end: Contains the React-based frontend application.
└── back-end: Contains the Node.js backend application.
- Viewing the Calculation Tree:
- Open the application in your browser at
- You can view the calculation tree as an unregistered user.
- Starting a New Calculation:
- Register and log in to start a new calculation.
- Select an operation and input a number to extend the calculation tree.
- Responding to Calculations:
- After logging in, click on any existing calculation in the tree to add a new operation.
- docker
- deploy
- helmet
- logging
- loading
- toasts