This was created in python 3.4.4 and it's an early version so it will change a lot. Chrome extensions (in crx form) go in the folder src/Extensions. I suggest you get adblock since ads might confuse the program
Install the chrome native host by double clicking the install_host.bat in native messaging host folder. Run the program with the command python
or use the start.bat file. Playlists are created with python
Python 3.4.4 or later
Selenium pip install selenium
requests pip install requests
sqlalchemy pip install SQLAlchemy
zmq pip install pyzmq
system hotkey for keyboard hotkeys like next song/video pip3 install system_hotkey
. This also requires pywin32
If you are having problems with the system hotkey try commenting out these lines (starting from 95) from the file
pillow pip install pillow
this is for rainmeter cover art
autoit if you want to change the volume of chrome instance with keyboard keys. The file also needs to be compiled but it's prety easy with autoit.
Volume changer also needs NirCmd