- 0
Cracked SHA2 Hash: CODE ERREUR : 002
#24 opened by abhayofc - 1
It doesnt preserve the case of the letters
#22 opened by b1ru - 1
- 0
Crashes on certain numerical inputs
#17 opened by dylanpyle - 2
- 2
[Feature Request] Run against a file
#1 opened by DigiAngel - 0
pip/homebrew package release
#12 opened by alichtman - 5
Producing gibberish
#14 opened by sair770 - 1
Doesn't Work
#13 opened by hackdefendr - 2
[Feature request] webstorm / jetty password deobf
#11 opened by 3lixy - 4
add support for Base32 decoding
#10 opened by evandrix - 0
Undefined name 'find'
#8 opened by Pagliacii - 0
Python 3 support
#7 opened by s0md3v - 0
- 0
- 1
- 5
Decodify fails to detect Base64 encoded string when lacking padding symbol if it could also be hex-encoded
#2 opened by alopresto