This repository contains dead/unfinished projects, small scripts or stuff that doesn't deserve a repository of its own.
- git-gat : post-exploitation script for finding private git repos
- json2paths : Converts JSON keys to paths for finding hidden endpoints
- uro : remove duplicate/boring urls from a url list
- wl : wordlist case conversion tool
- tweetad : a tiny script that lets you dump promoted hashtags from Twitter
- twitter-status : a hacky script to automatically change your Twitter profile picture according to your online/offline status
- Static files
- nvd-dump : a list of all softwares that have a CVE (and cpe), also the command to generate the data
- waf_signatures.json : sqlmap's WAF signatures converted to a JSON.
- : Contains regexes to match filenames used by different platforms
- file_signatures.json :'s 519 file signatures converted to JSON.
- Unfinished/Dead Projects