
God decides that we need a library in 1337


Athena is comming to our school ( 1337KH ) with blessing of god.


About the project

This project is intended to start a library in 1337Kh sponsored by students and former students or anyone who believe in our skills and our potential.



42 network have one of the most effective cursus in the world. the people behind it are smart people and know what they are doing. while the cursus can teach you about some important technical areas in computer science, I am sure that it's not enough and 42 knows that. we should learn by ourselves.

With that in mind we think that we need a library where we can discover new things, learn more and boost our skills making 1337 proud of their students.

The companies will be glad to see a 1.5 year student with too much knowlege about software architecture and design patterns ... those skills that a 1337 student would normally learn in the internship.


What books

There are some highly recommended books in computer science that are going to be prioritized over other things.


- First Principles

Books outlining theoretical computer science concepts, and underlying fundamentals.

Book Description
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs known as the "Wizard Book" in hacker culture. It teaches fundamental principles of computer programming, including recursion, abstraction, modularity, and programming language design and implementation. wikipedia course


- Design and architecture

Data structures and algorithms are necessary to write understandable and maintainable code.

Book Description
Clean Code most popular book among developers and will help us improve readability and testability of your code, which makes a good programmer a good programmer.
The Clean Coder The Clean Coder refers to the behaviour and discipline in being a programmer and working in a team; making estimations for your tasks, and how to be a professional in the field.
Pragmatic Programmer time is money, this book will help you do your job in the most pragmatic way saving time (it's good for beginners).
Code Complete: a Practical Handbook of Software Construction a nice addition to The Pragmatic Programmer, gives you the necessary framework to talk about code.
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software this is an introduction to follow patterns that all programmers are familiar with.
Refactoring your code isn't perfect ? let's make it better and better.


- Algo and Data Structure

Algo&DS is so important skills to get some balls to take an interview with FAANG

Book Description
Introduction to Algorithms uniquely combines rigor and comprehensiveness, the book covers a broad range of algorithms in depth.
A common sense guide to data structures and algorithms a beginner friendly book for algorithms and data structures
The Algorithm Design Manual let's take some 1337kh to FAANG.
Cracking the Coding Interview Programming Questions and Solutions
Grokking Algorithms Grokking Algorithms is a fully illustrated, friendly guide that teaches you how to apply common algorithms to the practical problems you face every day as a programmer.


- Kernel

And because the kernel is a critical component and even the smallest flaws on this component can take whole infrastructures down, learning the kernel is a must. We need some students to crack the universe and have no life Maher recommended those books:

Book Description
Understanding the linux kernel Learn the internals of the greatest kernel ever written on this fucking planet.
Linux Device Driver Learn the module subsystem and driver development.
Linux Kernel development Learn how to help developping the kernel maybe introduce a new subsystem.
A Guide to Kernel Exploitation: Attacking the Core Learn common kernel programmers mistakes and avoid them in your own code. (This book covers the most known UNIX derivatives, Mac OS XNU kernel, Windows NT too).


- Languages

We learn languages from videos and it's wrong learn from source:

Book Description
The C programming language
Effective C++
Zero To Production In Rust 🦀
Rust for rustaceans 🦀
Writing An Interpreter In Go
Eloquent javascript 🤑
You don't know Js
Fluent Python

This List is expandable !( JS is welcomed ^_^ )


- AI and Data Science

let's explore the skill of the century !!

Book Description
The Machine Learning Simplified: A Gentle Introduction to Supervised Learning (beginner) simple intuitive examples to explain complex concepts, algorithms or methods, as well as democratize all math behind the scenes
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (Intermidiate) Its goal is to give you the concepts, tools, and intuition you need to implement programs capable of learning from data
Designing Machine Learning Systems (advanced) This book is for anyone who wants to leverage ML to solve real-world problems


- Security

The biggest issue you'll face in security, and in life, is your own stupidity.

Book Description
Android Security Internals An In-Depth Guide to Android's Security Architecture
Android Hacker's Handbook Discovering and preventing attacks on the Android OS
The Art of macOS malware A comprehensive handbook to macOS internals and cracking open these malicious programs and seeing what’s inside.
Bug Bounty Bootcamp Bug Bounty Bootcamp is a detailed exploration of the many vulnerabilities present in modern websites and the hands-on techniques you can use to most successfully exploit them.
Black Hat Go Explore the darker side of Go.
Hacking APIs A detailed course to conduct web API security testing.

- Miscellaneous

The books found here are not really categorized and can be everything under the IT umbrella.

Book Description
RTFM (RED TEAM FIELD MANUAL) Just like the name suggests, this book is for red teams who occasionally find themselves scanning through man pages
APPRENDRE 3.0 a book by the inventor of the pedagogy of Epita, Epitech, school 42 and zone 01
The Mythical Man-Month Essays on Software Engineering and project management

Where is the X book

May the strength of Ares and wisdom of Athena see you through, Feel free to pull request and we will discuss the X book.


Athena Club Moderators

Maher Azzouzi - Ismail Ait Bella