
About Me:

I'm a passionate data scientist with a knack for predictive analytics, specializing in recurrent neural networks (RNN) and LSTM models. I thrive on tackling regression tasks and exploring the fascinating realm of reinforcement learning (RL). Additionally, I have a strong foundation in classical machine learning and possess the requisite mathematical prowess.

Currently, I'm delving into the realms of decentralized finance (DeFi) and web3, where I'm actively engaged in crafting and analyzing smart contracts. During my leisure time, you'll find me honing my problem-solving skills on LeetCode and participating in CTF challenges.

Social media: 📡

Join me on Telegram, where I share insights, victories, and even the occasional setback. Embrace the cyberpunk ethos with me.

Telegram Badge

Competitions: 🥇


CTF Result Team Date
CIT@CTF top 6% undermouses 04/2024
BSidesSF CTF top 10% movie43 05/2024
swampCTF top 17% check_your_mouse 03/2024
vksCTF top 18% Solo played 09/2023
Space HeroesCTF top 23% undermouses 04/2024
AI CTF top 23% movie43 05/2024
BCACTF 5.0 top 25% movie43 06/2024
vsCTF top 26% movie43 06/2024
wolvCTF top 31% undermouses 03/2024
osuCTF top 35% undermouses 02/2024
ethernautCTF out of competition solo 03/2024

Algorithms LeetCode

Working on: 🚀

Languages and Tools


Python3 C JS Solidity GO
Python C JavaScript Solidity Solidity

Best frameworks and main libraries for Python3:

Pytorch Selenium Numpy Pandas Sklearn OpenCV
Pytorch Selenium Numpy Pandas sklearn mpl

My tools for Data Manipulation & Visualisation:

Conda Jupyter Spark MySQL Postgres SQLite Plotly Matpltlib
Conda Jupiter Spark MySQL pg SQLite pltly pltly

Environments, Testing, Other:

nodejs Git Docker Pytest Swagger Postman VBox HardHat
NodeJS Git Docker pytest Swagger Postman Postman Swagger


Linux Ubuntu Kali
Linux Ubuntu Linux

Tools for CTF's

Metasploit Wireshark Burpsuite Netcat Nmap
msf wsh burp netcat nmap
