
akka-persistence(journal, snapshot), akka-persistence-query plugin for AWS DynamoDB

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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akka-persistence-dynamodb writes journal and snapshot entries to DynamoDB. It implements the full akka-persistence-query API and is therefore very useful for implementing DDD-style application models using Akka and Scala for creating reactive applications.

Genealogy of plugins

This plugin is derived from akka/akka-persistence-jdbc, not akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb.

It was impossible to change akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb to support aws-sdk v2. Because it is a complex structure. As a simpler solution, I decided to derive from akka/akka-persistence-jdbc.

Supported versions:

  • Java: 1.8+
  • Scala: 2.11.x or 2.12.x or 2.13.x
  • Akka: 2.5.x(Scala 2.11 only), 2.6.x(Scala 2.12, 2.13)
  • AWS-SDK: 1.x, DAX, 2.x


Product j5ik2o/akka-persistence-dynamodb akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb akka/akka-persistence-jdbc
DynamoDB support -
Write Sharding -
Non-blocking I/O - -
Journal Plugin
Snapshot Plugin
Query Plugin -

DynamoDB Support

Write Sharding

This plugin supports a simple sharding to avoid the throttle of write on DynamoDB.

  • Primary Index(for Events writing, default is pattern-1)
    • pattern-1 is sequenceNumber based write sharding (com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.PartitionKeyResolver.SequenceNumberBased)
      • Partition Key = ${persistenceId}-${sequenceNumber % shardCount}
      • Sort Key = ${sequenceNumber}
    • pattern-2 is persistenceId based write sharding (com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.PartitionKeyResolver.PersistenceIdBased)
      • Partition Key = ${persistenceId.prefix}-${md5(persistenceId.reverse) % shardCount}
        • persistenceId.prefix is the first part of the persistenceId is delimiter-separated.
      • Sort Key = ${persistenceId.body}-${sequenceNumber}
        • persistenceId.body is the last part of the persistenceId is delimiter-separated.

If you want to load events chronologically in DynamoDB Streams, choose pattern-2.

j5ik2o.dynamo-db-journal {
  partition-key-resolver-class-name = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.PartitionKeyResolver$PersistenceIdBased"
  • GSI: GetJournalRows(for Actor replaying)
    • PartitionKey = ${persistenceId}
    • Sort Key = ${sequenceNumber}

By the way, akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb maybe has a heavy maintenance cost because it provides complicated sharding.


  • The AWS SDK is supported for both V1 and V2(non-blocking I/O). Support to DAX enabled by using V1
  • The other logic implemented by akka-actor, akka-stream also non-blocking and async.


Add the following to your sbt build (2.11.x, 2.12.x, 2.13.x):

val version = "..."

libraryDependencies += Seq(
  "com.github.j5ik2o" %% "akka-persistence-dynamodb-journal" % version,
  "com.github.j5ik2o" %% "akka-persistence-dynamodb-snapshot" % version

akka-persistence journal plugin

Just this, if you like the default settings.

akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "j5ik2o.dynamo-db-journal"

If overwrite the default values.

akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "j5ik2o.dynamo-db-journal"

j5ik2o.dynamo-db-journal {
  class = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.DynamoDBJournal"
  plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
  # Enable the following line if you want to read the deprecated legacy format configuration file.
  # Once you have verified that it works, please migrate to the new format configuration file.
  # legacy-config-layout = true 

  table-name = "Journal"
  get-journal-rows-index-name = "GetJournalRows"
  persistence-id-separator = "-"
  tag-separator = ","
  shard-count = 2
  partition-key-resolver-class-name = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.PartitionKeyResolver$Default"
  sort-key-resolver-class-name = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.SortKeyResolver$Default" 
  queue-enable = true
  queue-buffer-size = 1024
  queue-overflow-strategy = "Fail"
  queue-parallelism = 32
  write-parallelism = 32
  soft-delete = true
  query-batch-size = 1024
  replay-batch-size = 512
  consistent-read = false
  columns-def {
    partition-key-column-name = "pkey"
    sort-key-column-name = "skey"
    persistence-id-column-name = "persistence-id"
    sequence-nr-column-name = "sequence-nr"
    deleted-column-name = "deleted"
    message-column-name = "message"
    ordering-column-name = "ordering"
    tags-column-name = "tags"

  dynamo-db-client {
    # access-key-id = ???
    # secret-access-key = ???
    # endpoint = ???
    # region = ???
    client-version = "v2"
    client-type = "async"
    v2 {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      async {
        max-concurrency = 50
        max-pending-connection-acquires = 10000
        read-timeout = 30s
        write-timeout = 30s
        connection-timeout = 2s
        connection-acquisition-timeout = 3s
        connection-time-to-live = 0s
        max-idle-connection-timeout = 60s
        use-connection-reaper = true
        threads-of-event-loop-group = 32
        use-http2 = false
        http2-max-streams = 4294967295
        http2-initial-window-size = 1048576
      sync {
        socket-timeout = 50s
        connection-timeout = 2s
        connection-acquisition-timeout = 10s
        max-connections = 50
        connection-time-to-live = 0s
        max-idle-connection-timeout = 60s
        use-connection-reaper = true
      # retry-mode = ???
      # api-call-timeout = ???
      # api-call-attempt-timeout = ???
    v1 {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      connection-timeout = 10000 ms
      # max-error-retry = ???
      # retry-policy-class-name = ???
      max-connections = 50
      throttle-retries = true
      # local-address = ???
      # protocol = ???
      socket-timeout = 50000 ms
      request-timeout = 0s
      client-execution-timeout = 0s
      # user-agent-prefix = ???
      # user-agent-suffix = ???
      use-reaper = true
      use-gzip = false
      # socket-send-buffer-size-hint = ???
      # socket-receive-buffer-size-hint = ???
      # signer-override = ???
      response-metadata-cache-size = 50
      # dns-resolver-class-name = ???
      use-expect-contine = true
      cache-response-metadata = true
      # connection-ttl = ???
      connection-max-idle = 60000 ms
      validate-after-inactivity = 5000
      tcp-keep-alive = false
      max-consecutive-retries-before-throttling = 100
      # disable-host-prefix-injection = ???
      # retry-mode = ???
    v1-dax {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      connection-timeout = 1000 ms
      request-timeout = 60000 ms
      health-check-timeout = 1000 ms
      health-check-interval = 5000 ms
      idle-connection-timeout = 3000 ms
      min-idle-connection-size = 1
      write-retries = 2
      max-pending-connections-per-host = 10
      read-retries = 2
      thread-keep-alive = 10000 ms
      cluster-update-interval = 4000 ms
      cluster-update-threshold = 125 ms
      max-retry-delay = 7000 ms
      unhealthy-consecutive-error-count = 5
    batch-get-item-limit = 100
    batch-write-item-limit = 25


Important changes

The sort-key(skey) column has been added to the journal table. In the default implementation, this column is set to sequenceNumber, but different implementations do not necessarily store sequence-number. You can flexibly design pkey and skey for write sharding. If you want to use a legacy column layout, you can configure the following. To create a table, please refer to tools/legacy-journal-table.json. In legacy column layout, Never use PartitionKeyResolver.PersistenceIdBased because it is incompatible.

j5ik2o.dynamo-db-journal {
  columns-def.sort-key-column-name = "sequence-nr" # override default 'skey'

j5ik2o.dynamo-db-read-journal {
  columns-def.sort-key-column-name = "sequence-nr" # override default 'skey'

akka-persistence snapshot plugin

Just this, if you like the default settings.

akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "j5ik2o.dynamo-db-snapshot"

If overwrite the default values.

akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "j5ik2o.dynamo-db-snapshot"

j5ik2o.dynamo-db-snapshot {
  table-name = "Snapshot"

  columns-def {
    partition-key-column-name = "pkey"
    sort-key-column-name = "skey"
    persistence-id-column-name = "persistence-id"
    sequence-nr-column-name = "sequence-nr"
    deleted-column-name = "deleted"
    message-column-name = "message"
    ordering-column-name = "ordering"
    tags-column-name = "tags"

  dynamo-db-client {
    # access-key-id = ???
    # secret-access-key = ???
    # endpoint = ???
    # region = ???
    client-version = "v2"
    client-type = "async"
    v2 {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      async {
        max-concurrency = 50
        max-pending-connection-acquires = 10000
        read-timeout = 30s
        write-timeout = 30s
        connection-timeout = 2s
        connection-acquisition-timeout = 3s
        connection-time-to-live = 0s
        max-idle-connection-timeout = 60s
        use-connection-reaper = true
        threads-of-event-loop-group = 32
        use-http2 = false
        http2-max-streams = 4294967295
        http2-initial-window-size = 1048576
      sync {
        socket-timeout = 50s
        connection-timeout = 2s
        connection-acquisition-timeout = 10s
        max-connections = 50
        connection-time-to-live = 0s
        max-idle-connection-timeout = 60s
        use-connection-reaper = true
      # retry-mode = ???
      # api-call-timeout = ???
      # api-call-attempt-timeout = ???
    v1 {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      connection-timeout = 10000 ms
      # max-error-retry = ???
      # retry-policy-class-name = ???
      max-connections = 50
      throttle-retries = true
      # local-address = ???
      # protocol = ???
      socket-timeout = 50000 ms
      request-timeout = 0s
      client-execution-timeout = 0s
      # user-agent-prefix = ???
      # user-agent-suffix = ???
      use-reaper = true
      use-gzip = false
      # socket-send-buffer-size-hint = ???
      # socket-receive-buffer-size-hint = ???
      # signer-override = ???
      response-metadata-cache-size = 50
      # dns-resolver-class-name = ???
      use-expect-contine = true
      cache-response-metadata = true
      # connection-ttl = ???
      connection-max-idle = 60000 ms
      validate-after-inactivity = 5000
      tcp-keep-alive = false
      max-consecutive-retries-before-throttling = 100
      # disable-host-prefix-injection = ???
      # retry-mode = ???
    v1-dax {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      connection-timeout = 1000 ms
      request-timeout = 60000 ms
      health-check-timeout = 1000 ms
      health-check-interval = 5000 ms
      idle-connection-timeout = 3000 ms
      min-idle-connection-size = 1
      write-retries = 2
      max-pending-connections-per-host = 10
      read-retries = 2
      thread-keep-alive = 10000 ms
      cluster-update-interval = 4000 ms
      cluster-update-threshold = 125 ms
      max-retry-delay = 7000 ms
      unhealthy-consecutive-error-count = 5
    batch-get-item-limit = 100
    batch-write-item-limit = 25

akka-persistence query plugin

Just this, if you like the default settings.

j5ik2o.dynamo-db-read-journal {
  class = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.query.DynamoDBReadJournalProvider"
  write-plugin = "j5ik2o.dynamo-db-journal"

If overwrite the default values.

j5ik2o.dynamo-db-read-journal {
  class = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.query.DynamoDBReadJournalProvider"
  plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
  write-plugin = "j5ik2o.dynamo-db-journal"
  table-name = "Journal"
  tags-index-name = "TagsIndex"
  get-journal-rows-index-name = "GetJournalRows"
  tag-separator = ","
  shard-count = 2
  refresh-interval = 0.5 s
  query-batch-size = 1024
  consistent-read = false
  columns-def {
    partition-key-column-name = "pkey"
    sort-key-column-name = "skey"
    persistence-id-column-name = "persistence-id"
    sequence-nr-column-name = "sequence-nr"
    deleted-column-name = "deleted"
    message-column-name = "message"
    ordering-column-name = "ordering"
    tags-column-name = "tags"

  dynamo-db-client {
    # access-key-id = ???
    # secret-access-key = ???
    # endpoint = ???
    # region = ???
    client-version = "v2"
    client-type = "async"
    v2 {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      async {
        max-concurrency = 50
        max-pending-connection-acquires = 10000
        read-timeout = 30s
        write-timeout = 30s
        connection-timeout = 2s
        connection-acquisition-timeout = 3s
        connection-time-to-live = 0s
        max-idle-connection-timeout = 60s
        use-connection-reaper = true
        threads-of-event-loop-group = 32
        use-http2 = false
        http2-max-streams = 4294967295
        http2-initial-window-size = 1048576
      sync {
        socket-timeout = 50s
        connection-timeout = 2s
        connection-acquisition-timeout = 10s
        max-connections = 50
        connection-time-to-live = 0s
        max-idle-connection-timeout = 60s
        use-connection-reaper = true
      # retry-mode = ???
      # api-call-timeout = ???
      # api-call-attempt-timeout = ???
    v1 {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      connection-timeout = 10000 ms
      # max-error-retry = ???
      # retry-policy-class-name = ???
      max-connections = 50
      throttle-retries = true
      # local-address = ???
      # protocol = ???
      socket-timeout = 50000 ms
      request-timeout = 0s
      client-execution-timeout = 0s
      # user-agent-prefix = ???
      # user-agent-suffix = ???
      use-reaper = true
      use-gzip = false
      # socket-send-buffer-size-hint = ???
      # socket-receive-buffer-size-hint = ???
      # signer-override = ???
      response-metadata-cache-size = 50
      # dns-resolver-class-name = ???
      use-expect-contine = true
      cache-response-metadata = true
      # connection-ttl = ???
      connection-max-idle = 60000 ms
      validate-after-inactivity = 5000
      tcp-keep-alive = false
      max-consecutive-retries-before-throttling = 100
      # disable-host-prefix-injection = ???
      # retry-mode = ???
    v1-dax {
      # dispatcher-name = ""
      connection-timeout = 1000 ms
      request-timeout = 60000 ms
      health-check-timeout = 1000 ms
      health-check-interval = 5000 ms
      idle-connection-timeout = 3000 ms
      min-idle-connection-size = 1
      write-retries = 2
      max-pending-connections-per-host = 10
      read-retries = 2
      thread-keep-alive = 10000 ms
      cluster-update-interval = 4000 ms
      cluster-update-threshold = 125 ms
      max-retry-delay = 7000 ms
      unhealthy-consecutive-error-count = 5
    batch-get-item-limit = 100
    batch-write-item-limit = 25

val readJournal : ReadJournal
  with CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery
  with PersistenceIdsQuery
  with CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery
  with EventsByPersistenceIdQuery
  with CurrentEventsByTagQuery
  with EventsByTagQuery = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor(DynamoDBReadJournal.Identifier)

DynamoDB setup

Assuming the default values are used (adjust as necessary if not):

type name partition key sort key comments
table Journal pkey (String) skey (String) Provision capacity as necessary for your application.
index GetJournalRowsIndex (GSI) persistence-id (String) sequence-nr (Number) Index for replaying actors.
index TagsIndex (GSI) tags (String) - Index for queries using tags.
table Snapshot persistence-id (String) sequence-nr (Number) No indices necessary.

As the access to the DynamoDB instance is via the AWS Java SDK, use the methods for the SDK, which are documented at docs.aws.amazon.com


Apache License Version 2.0

This product was made by duplicating or referring to the code of the following products, so Dennis Vriend's license is included in the product code and test code.

FOSSA Status