
Primary LanguageTypeScript

#myVent Angular 11

Edit on StackBlitz ⚡️

Install Angular CLI and VS Code

Using Angular in Visual Studio Code

nodejs download

vscode download

  • Create angular folder
  • Download NodeJs and extract unto angular folder
  • Download Visual Studio Code and extract into angular folder
  • Create env.sh to set PATH
  • Open Git Bash terminal
  • cd angluar
  • source env.sh
  • npm install -g @angular/cli

Setup Environment

Perform the following steps to start the Angular CLI environment.

NOTE: The env.sh file sets PATH to include VS Code and NodeJs

  • Open Git Bash terminal
  • cd angular
  • source env.sh
  • cd my-vent/src
  • code .

Import StackBlitz Project into Angluar CLI

Deploying Angluar: Running your application locally

Download the source code from your StackBlitz project by clicking the Download Project icon in the left menu, across from Project, to download your files.

Create a new Angular CLI workspace using the ng new command, where my-project-name is what you would like to call your project

This command displays a series of configuration prompts. For this tutorial, accept the default settings for each prompt.

In your newly CLI-generated application, replace the /src folder with the /src folder from your StackBlitz download.

Use the following CLI command to run your application locally: ng serve

Extra Steps needed:

  • copy style.css from original src/ folder into your src/ folder
  • ng serve
  • gets errors about search provider, does not finish compile
  • ctrl-c
  • delete search provider files
  • ng serve
  • gets different errors, does not finish compile
  • ctrl-c
  • restore search provider files
  • ng serve
  • compiles successfully - localhost:4200 works!



Generate web site production files from the angular project

  • cd my-vent
  • ng build --prod
  • creates dist/my-vent/*
  • ng build --prod was initially failing, fix was to copy src.orig/environment to src/

Server (server.js)

Need web server to serve dist/my-vent files. We used Node.js express server example from link below


  • NOTE: to fix error, removed "server" from app.server.get() in server.js file from above example
  • to run server from my-vent directory: sudo node server.js
  • to fix initial problems running above command we ran:
  • npm install express
  • npm install compression
  • port number is defined in server.js

Application Environment

  • apiUrl is defined in environment-prod.ts for production builds and environment.ts for non-production builds.

CORS issue resolution

  • to avoid the following error, use CORS in db-my-vent server.js
  • Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:3309/users. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).

AWS server startup

Create database (do this only once)

  • cd db-my-vent
  • modified myvent.sql to create "myvent" database
  • mysql -uroot -p<password> < myvent.sql

Start Backend

  • cd db-my-vent
  • node server.js

Start Frontend

  • cd my-vent
  • sudo node server.js


  1. older nodejs is used when running sudo (v6 vs v15)
  2. need sudo when using port 80