Sorting Algorithms Visualization

Primary LanguageC++


SAV or Sorting Algorithms Visualization it is software that helps to see what is going on inside of sorting algorithm.

Demo on YouTube


Make sure you have installed:

  • OpenGL
  • git
  • make
  • cmake

How to build

First of all run those commands:

git clone https://github.com/S1ckret/SAV.git
cd SAV
git submodule update --init


You can open folder SAV in MVS 2019 and build it. Choose build target - SAVexe. Make sure to copy res folder in folder with generated binary. Sorry for inconvenience :)


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make SAVexe

# Copy res folder (Will be added to make file later)
cp -r ../SAV/res ./


How to init system

You have to create your own derived classes from IDataController and IDataRenderer. They can be empty as in example. Next step is init m_dataCtrl and m_dataRndr in void Sandbox::InitUser() method. Be sure to generate data before passing m_dataCtrl to xxxDataRenderer constructor.

How can I add own sorts ?

You have to create class for your sort in Sandbox/src/Sorts folder and inherate it from class ISort. In constructor set m_name to whatever you want for proper displaying in menu. Then override void Begin() function. Put this line in the end: m_dataRndr->DisplaySorted( ); It is necessary for correct menu working.

After that in class Sandbox add your sort to collection. SortsController::Get().AddSort(std::make_shared<__YOUR_SORT_HERE__>(m_dataCtrl, m_dataRndr));

What instruments do I have ?

You have methods from xxxDataController and xxxDataRenderer.

Built-in virtual methods in IDataController

  • void Generate(unsigned int size) - Generates array with element count of @size.
  • void Shuffle() - Shuffles array.
  • bool CmpGreater(const int &lhs, const int &rhs) - Increases comparison counter, make comparison: lhs > rhs.
  • bool CmpLess(const int &lhs, const int &rhs) - Increases comparison counter, make comparison: lhs < rhs.
  • bool CmpEqual(const int &lhs, const int &rhs) - Increases comparison counter, make comparison: lhs == rhs.
  • void Swap(int &lhs, int &rhs) - Increases swap counter, swaps two integers.
  • void Assign(int &lhs, const int &rhs) - Increases assignment counter, assigns rhs to lhs.
  • int *Allocate(int count) - Increases 'bytes allocated' counter, allocate memory for @count integers and set to zero.
  • void Free(int *ptr) - Frees allocated memory.

Built-in virtual methods in IDataRenderer