XSStrike Brute Force Automation

This script automates the process of gathering potential XSS URLs and testing them using XSStrike.


  1. Make sure gau, gf, and XSStrike are installed and properly configured.
  2. Customize the encoded_payloads.txt file to include your desired payloads for more effective testing.
  3. Run the script by replacing <domain> with your target domain.

# Step 1: Gather URLs that are potential XSS candidates
gau <domain> | gf xss | sort -u | tee Possible_xss.txt

# Step 2: Read each URL and test it with XSStrike
while IFS= read -r url; do
    echo "Testing URL: $url"
    python3 /home/kali/XSStrike/xsstrike.py -u "$url" --delay 1 -f /home/kali/encoded_payloads.txt
done < /home/kali/Possible_xss.txt

gau <domain> | gf xss | sort -u | tee Possible_xss.txt

gau <domain>: Uses the gau tool to fetch URLs for the specified domain.
gf xss: Filters the URLs using the gf tool for potential XSS vulnerabilities.
sort -u: Sorts the URLs and removes duplicates.
tee Possible_xss.txt: Saves the filtered URLs to Possible_xss.txt and prints them to the terminal.

while IFS= read -r url; do
    echo "Testing URL: $url"
    python3 /home/kali/XSStrike/xsstrike.py -u "$url" --delay 1 -f /home/kali/encoded_payloads.txt
done < /home/kali/Possible_xss.txt

        while IFS= read -r url: Reads each URL from Possible_xss.txt.
        echo "Testing URL: $url": Prints the URL being tested.
        python3 /home/kali/XSStrike/xsstrike.py -u "$url" --delay 1 -f /home/kali/encoded_payloads.txt: Runs XSStrike on the URL with a delay of 1 second between requests, using payloads from encoded_payloads.txt.

Additional Tips

    Ensure gau, gf, and XSStrike are installed and properly configured on your system.
    Customize the encoded_payloads.txt file to include your desired payloads for more effective testing.

This script will help you automate the process of testing multiple URLs for XSS vulnerabilities using XSStrike.