
Project Chameleon has been designed as an educational example project for learning the basics of the Spring Boot ecosystem. But project Chameleon tries to be more than just a simple "hello world". It has all the needed parts in place to be as close to a "real world" production-ready software as possible.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Project Chameleon

Project Chameleon has been designed as an educational example project for learning the basics of the Spring Boot ecosystem. But project Chameleon tries to be more than just a simple "hello world". It has all the needed parts in place to be as close to a "real world" production-ready software as possible.



  • Java 17+

  • Docker 19+


  • Recommended: Windows Subsystem for Linux 2+


Project Chameleon currently contains the following features:

Table 1. Features of project Chameleon
1 Architecture 2 REST API 3 Database 4 Security 5 Logging 6 Testing

with JUnit 5 (report: build/reports/tests)

with assertions with Google Truth

with coverage report using JaCoCo (report: build/reports/jacoco)

with ArchUnit

with Cucumber (report: build/reports/cucumber)

Copyright (c) 2023 Christoph Ehlers, ConSol Software GmbH