
The "Shoe_Shop" is a simple Java application designed to simulate the operations of a shoe store. It provides basic functionalities such as adding new shoes to inventory, managing stock, and processing customer orders.

Primary LanguageJava

👞🛍️ Shoe Shop 🏬

Overview 📝

The "Shoe_Shop" is a simple Java application designed to simulate the operations of a shoe store. It provides basic functionalities such as adding new shoes to inventory, managing stock, and processing customer orders.

Features 🎉

  • Add new shoes: Easily add new shoe items to the inventory with relevant details such as brand, size, color, and price.
  • Manage stock: Keep track of available shoe stock, including quantities and sizes.
  • Process orders: Accept customer orders, check availability, and manage inventory accordingly.
  • View inventory: Display the current inventory of shoes with details for easy reference.
  • Search functionality: Search for specific shoes by brand, size, or color. 🛒


Getting Started 🚀

To run the Shoe_Shop project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
  4. Run the Main.

Usage 🖥️

Once the application is running, you can interact with it using the provided menu options. Follow the prompts to add new shoes, manage inventory, process orders, and view available stock. Unfortunately, it works only on localhost. 📦


Contributing 🤝

Contributions to the Shoe_Shop project are welcome. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

Acknowledgements 🙏

This project was developed as a demonstration of core Java concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and file handling.

Contact 📧

For any inquiries or support regarding the Shoe_Shop project, you can contact the project maintainer at [tudor.singerean@yahoo.com].

Enjoy using the Shoe_Shop application! 👟