Pets Store Microservice

The No name pet store is a pet store management application


Pet store is composed of 4 services, two of which communicate over rabbitmq and the rest over HTTP


Service Language/framework description
Pet-store python/django renders available pets from the api
Pet-api python/flask handles storage of pets
Inverntory python/flask handles inventroy management when pets are created


Running this application is as easy as docker-compose up

Note! The category service might fail if rabbitmq hasn't started up , so make sure to run docker-compose up category when rabbitmq has fully started

Next create a few pets in the api by running the following curl commands

curl  -d '{"name":"mr snow","notes":"feed twice daily"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:6000/api/pets 

Sample response

  "id": 4,
  "name": "mr snow",
  "notes": "feed twice daily"

Now you can access the pet store UI at http://localhost:5000/

to Access the inventory api simply curl curl localhost:7000/inventory/stats

Sample response

  "total_pets": 3

Navigate to http://localhost:4000/ to access the admin dashboard