
Docker image for the Proxmox vma command line utility (disk image tool)

Table of Contents


Dockerfile to build a Debian Wheezy image with the Proxmox vma command line utility


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Pull the latest version of the image from the docker index. This is the recommended method of installation as it is easier to update image in the future. These builds are performed by the Docker Trusted Build service.

docker pull akaihola/vma:latest

Alternately you can build the image yourself.

git clone https://github.com/akaihola/docker-vma.git
cd docker-vma
docker build -t "$USER/vma" .

Quick Start

Run the image and mount the directory containing your VMA images:

# docker run -t -i -v <IMAGES DIRECTORY>:/images akaihola/vma:latest /bin/bash
root@eed2c0767dc0:/# cd /images
root@eed2c0767dc0:/images# vma
usage: vma command [command options]

vma list <filename>
vma create <filename> [-c config] <archive> pathname ...
vma extract <filename> [-v] [-r <fifo>] <targetdir>
vma verify <filename> [-v]
root@eed2c0767dc0:/images# vma extract my.vma my


To upgrade to newer releases, simply upgrade the docker image:

docker pull akaihola/vma:latest