Multi-Functional Tools

Multi-Functional Tools is a comprehensive package that provides various utilities and functions for file manipulation, data processing, and web-related tasks.

Table of Contents


Multi-Functional Tools is a collection of modules designed to simplify common tasks in web development and data processing. It offers functionality for file handling, data manipulation, and web-related operations. Whether you need to work with files, process JSON or XML data, or perform web-related tasks, Multi-Functional Tools provides a comprehensive set of tools to streamline your development process.


  • File Manipulation: The package includes modules for working with files, such as reading, writing, and manipulating image files.
  • Data Processing: Modules for data processing are available, including functions for parsing JSON and XML data, converting between different data formats, and performing transformations on data.
  • Web-related Tasks: Web-related operations, such as making HTTP requests, validating URLs, and handling web responses, can be easily performed using the provided modules.
  • Utility Functions: The package also offers various utility functions for common tasks like string manipulation, color conversion, and regular expression matching.
  • Extensibility: The modular design of Multi-Functional Tools allows for easy extensibility, enabling you to add custom functionality or integrate with existing projects seamlessly.


You can install Multi-Functional Tools using a package manager like npm or yarn. Run the following command to install the package:

npm install multi-functional-tools


yarn add multi-functional-tools


To use Multi-Functional Tools in your project, import the desired modules and start utilizing the available functions. Here's an example:

import { All } from 'multi-functional-tools';
import { Color } from 'multi-functional-tools/command/color';
import { Password } from 'multi-functional-tools/credential/password';
import { Strings } from 'multi-functional-tools/dataType/strings';
// Import other modules as needed

// Start using the functions from the imported modules

Make sure to replace path/to/module with the actual path to the desired module.


For example usages of Multi-Functional Tools, please refer to the examples directory in the project repository. The examples demonstrate how to perform common tasks using different modules and functions provided by Multi-Functional Tools.


Contributions to Multi-Functional Tools are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request in the project repository. Your contributions can help make Multi-Functional Tools even better.


Multi-Functional Tools is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.