
simple interface for Monit, using Go

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

  ____           _ _ _     _          _   
 / ___| ___   __| (_) |   | |    ___ | |_ 
| |  _ / _ \ / _` | | |   | |   / _ \| __|
| |_| | (_) | (_| | | |___| |__| (_) | |_ 
 \____|\___/ \__,_|_|_____|_____\___/ \__|

Simple interface to Monit for monitoring multiple instances (lile M/Monit), using Go language

####Usage Type godillot from the command line

####Config Configuration with a yaml file, named "godillot.yaml"

outputfile: index.html #html file created by godillot with the collected info
servers: #list of servers
  - server: Watchdog #Name
    url: http://admin:monit@watchdog:2812 #url (don't forget to enable monit web server)
  - server: Obelix  
    url: http://admin:monit@obelix:2812
  - server: Domify  
    url: http://admin:monit@domify:2812

####Example See godillot in action on godillot.zeneffy.fr