LMS (Library Management System)

Primary LanguagePython

LMS— Library Management System (Python & MySQL)


The Library Management System (LMS) is a Python-based software project designed to streamline and automate the management of books and user data within a library. This system is intended to improve the efficiency of library operations, reduce the workload of librarians, and enhance the overall experience for library patrons.


  • User Management: Allows librarians to manage user records, including registration, updates, and deletions.

  • Book Management: Facilitates the easy addition, modification, and removal of books from the library's collection.

  • Borrowing and Returning: Enables patrons to borrow books, tracks due dates, and supports returns.

  • Search and Sorting: Provides robust search and sorting capabilities for both users and books.

  • Fine Calculation: Automatically calculates fines for overdue books based on predefined rules.

  • Reporting: Generates various reports for librarians, such as user history, book inventory, and financial summaries.

Technologies Used

  • Python: The core programming language used for developing the system's backend logic.

  • MySQL: The database management system for storing and managing user and book data.